Saturday, October 11, 2014

Let’s Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow

As Woody Allen is credited with observing: “80% of success is just showing up” and that was pretty much the message Lady M had for her loyal subjects along the campaign trail yesterday.

There was a little trouble getting them to show up for her big Democratic rally in Detroit though. First of all it was held in a venue of very modest size, the Music Hall (currently under construction) rather than our previous arena-sized event at nearby Ford Field.


Worse yet, as of the day before the rally the The Michigan Democratic Party had to open the event to the public in order to fill up this modest hall. It’s almost as if the Democrats aren’t all that excited about their candidates, or Lady M.

mo detroit narj scgayer gart oetersLady M towers over candidates Mark Schauer and Gary Peters

For you fashionistas out there who think you’ve previously seen the lovely paisley/polka dot frock MO wore yesterday: good spotting!

paisley mo2011 National Medal of Arts and Humanities presentation

And yes, we wore it with thigh-high boots again because, why not?

mo's bootsBoots on the ground

Anyway, everything went well in Detroit – aside from that motorcycle accident on I-94 involving Lady M’s motorcade. (Don’t worry, the officer was okay.) Things didn’t go as smoothly in Iowa, due to Lady M being jet lagged or something. She kept mis-mispronouncing her homie’s name: Braley, Bailey; no biggie. It’s not like it’s a write-in where spelling matters.

Besides, it wasn’t the candidates names that were important, it was her message for the American people:

DETROIT, MI - First Lady Michelle Obama told a Detroit audience Friday "we are better off today than when Barack first took office," as she rallied the crowd in support of Michigan Democrats up for election in November.

Believe me, I think everyone knows that Barack and Michelle are “better off today than when Barack first took office,” it’s the rest of us that people seem to be concerned about. I mean, when you’re getting mocked by Jimmy Carter, something’s just not right.

Obama family arrives at US Capitol prior to inauguration swear-inStop looking at me Barack!

So let’s evaluate this “are you better off” issue objectively: now that Ebola has hit our shores (due to porous borders) you’ve lost the doctor that you liked butt couldn’t keep because the insurance plan that you liked butt couldn’t keep were both replaced by Obamacare - that you can’t afford even though it has a $5000 deductible, $4000 co-insurance and $4000 co-pay – because you’re one of the 1 in 4 Americans of prime working age who are not employed. Oh, and ISIS is about to retake Baghdad. Shall I mark you down as  “undecided” then?

And remember: 80% of success is just showing up:

bo's empty chair

And not doing stupid sh*t.

Missing-a-shot-on-the-first-hole golf-at-Farm-Neck-MA-550x412

cs-lewis-quotes-sayings-better-things-ahead-road-picsVote wisely, weedhoppers


better mistakes tomorrow-logo copy

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network