Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Equality. Let’s “spread it around.”


bo's nose forward

“Look, the president needs to find an issue to campaign on. This is what he's good at. He's really good at campaigning. Maybe not governing.”

obama the fog of governing Because of the fog of governing. Or something.

Yeah, maybe he’s not; good at governing I mean. Funny it took so long for anyone to notice though.

bo tunnel of darknessThe Natural

Hey, I’ve got an idea for a campaign issue! How about income equality? Big Guy and his handlers love to talk about it and anything that includes “equality” is always a winner with the peeps-who-vote-twice crowd.

bomo fans dubuqueAs well as the true believers

Maybe we could even get some of our biggest supporters to jump aboard. Oprah, for example?

With her $2.9 billion net worth I’ll bet she wouldn’t mind turning over just one of her multiple multi-million dollar properties to help equalize things. Say her Hawaiian estate - after the birthday celebration of course.

oprah 634x407

Remember when Hawaii served as a leper colony? We could update that charitable concept to better serve today’s social needs and sensibilities. I can see it now: “Oprah’s Temporary Residence for Career Challenged Urban Campers.” 

Oprah’s Maui pad is an ideal location for this repurposing:

from oprah's wrap around porch hawaii

The balmy weather would cut down on the carbon footprint created by most urban homeless shelters. There’s plenty of room:


Just replicating the population density of Chicago she could house, by my estimate, about 250 of the city’s chronically unemployed at her pad.

Sure, it would be a little tight at first, butt as you can see, there’s plenty of room to build another dorm:

Oprah_Winfrey_home. renos hawaiijpg

Alternatively, we could use the extra land to plant an organic garden and raise a small herd of Wagu cattle, thereby making the redistributed home completely sustainable!

tours_104_600x411Welcome to Hale Oprah Maui, where every room, including the wrap around porch, enjoys an ocean view.

With the lowest GDP since the Great Depression Barry has chosen, wisely, at this point, to focus on income inequality rather than his old Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! platform.

obamaplan jobs

As he pointed out last December, when pivoting away from jobs and towards inequality,

"a dangerous and growing inequality and lack of upward mobility" is "the defining challenge of our time."

Today, expect Big Guy - with a sea of career-challenged persons of all colors and genders standing behind him -to demand that the do-nothing Congress temporarily extend the emergency unemployment payments for the sixth time. He will indicate it is just until the continuously growing robust economic recovery kicks in fully (around the time Obamacare is operating smoothly), and a small step towards solving the dangerous and growing trend of inequality in this country (much of which has taken place under his watch, butt would not be his fault).

As they always do, critics are expected to respond with this old argument:

“If the goal is to deliver higher incomes and a better standard of living for the majority of Americans, then generating economic growth—not income inequality or the redistribution of wealth—is the defining challenge of our time.”

Boy, that’s pretty old school.

160 roundsWM copy“We are on correct path, comrades” H/T Vereteno

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @MuseumTwenty, @Standlow on twitter, and Abby L Call, Jeff Brodhead on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Monday, January 6, 2014

Anthropogenic Global Densification: it’s the New Global Warming

I have a word of advice for the global warmists: keep this crap up a few more weeks and nobody’s going to listen to you anymore.

Screenshot Studio capture #1615Sub-sub-zero weather blankets the country from west to east

That’s right, it’s back: Snowmageddon II. And this time it’s bigger and badder than ever!


Driven by “the Arctic vortex,” this “astonishing, dangerous cold snap,” is descending on the U.S, and even the most ardent former believers are beginning to drop like the proverbial flies.

biking in the snow “Screw the damn carbon footprint, I’m calling a cab.”

I mean, who knew that cold hydraulic fluid turns to gel and oil lubricants grow too sluggish for windmills to run in the cold? Just when you could use it the most?

“The turbines sit idly in Anoka, North St. Paul, Chaska, Shakopee, Buffalo and six other cities, all members of the Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA).”

windmills idle in the snow and cold

I have some more advice for the global warming alarmists: if you want to keep your sheeple engaged, you need to find a new global catastrophe to lock onto before you’re run out of town by all the people suffering from frostbite.

Fortunately, I have just the thing: how about a supervolcano? That’s right, volcano scientists, aka, volcanologists, now say that there is a definite risk of a supervolcano - one of which is sitting right under Yellowstone Park in Wyoming - erupting with such force that it could end civilization as we know it:

Using a powerful X-ray source at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, the researchers found that the density of the magma decreased significantly at the high temperatures and pressures experienced underground. (snip)

“The results reveal that if the magma chamber is big enough, the overpressure caused by differences in density alone are sufficient to penetrate the crust above and initiate an eruption,” said Professor Carmen Sanchez-Valle of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, who led the study.

Boy - was Dewey from Detroit ever ahead of the curve on this one! This is precisely what he predicted way back in 2010 when he first presented his Armageddon Global Densification Theory, pointing out the imminent man-made disaster of exploding lava. 


It’s pretty technical stuff, butt I’ll try to simplify it: Anthropogenic Global Densification (AGD) refers to the additional pressure placed on the earth’s crust due to an ever increasing number of people (especially in the First World, where, on average, every person weighs more than in the Third World) who built and own an ever increasing amount of “stuff.” The pressure of all this excess weight, along with the extraction of fossil fuels to build and maintain all this “stuff” has caused voids deep beneath the earth’s surface that ultimately collapse causing earthquakes and volcanoes. Butt worst of all, the collapsing voids, combined with the gravitational force of the core tugging at the earth’s crust, continually reduces the radius of the earth. This incremental shrinking results in the surface of the earth being constantly pulled ever closer to the dangerous, hot, molten core, and places unsustainable pressure on the earth’s surface. The next thing you know: KABOOM! The Yellowstone caldera busts loose and there goes mankind, as we know it.

Volcanologists seem to have formed a consensus that confirms Dewey’s theory:

The eruption of a “supervolcano” hundreds of times more powerful than conventional volcanoes – with the potential to wipe out civilisation as we know it – is more likely than previously thought, a study has found.

And apparently this new man-made disaster hypothesis is a twofer: not only will it destroy civilization as we know it (which some people might consider a plus), butt it will also causes long-term climate change!

Supervolcanoes represent the second most globally cataclysmic event – next to an asteroid strike – and they have been responsible in the past for mass extinctions, long-term changes to the climate and shorter-term “volcanic winters” caused  by volcanic ash cutting out the sunlight. 

So all that remains now it to establish a scheme to a) make money, and b) use it to control the world economy - which I guess is technically the same as “a.” What is clear is that unless we take immediate and aggressive actions to relieve the pressure exerted on the earth’s crust and reverse the progression of AGD, the whole world will implode in 10 years.

Dewey’s already got a running start on this: he’s got a hockey stick graph:

population “Hockey Stick” increase in Human Population Induced Stress on Earth’s Fragile Crust

Statistics that he’s developed from his own research:

The apocalyptic cycle has begun. Most people I have interviewed report that they can already see the effects of GD on themselves, their children and friends. In one recent poll, 95% of the respondents reported their weight as measured by a bathroom scale (the force exerted by gravity) has increased each year for the past 10 years.

And from his follow up report, Global Densification: FAQs, I see he is in the process of developing some practical suggestions and investment opportunities for combatting this encroaching disaster:

That said, I will soon be forming a Gravity Credit (GC) trading firm which will bundle and sell a diverse selection of GC based derivatives. The firm will also offer a fine selection of forward and reverse GC index funds that should be at home in any portfolio.

I don’t know about you, butt if I had any money to invest, I’d buy some of those GC’s as soon as they are available.

Dewey was also kind enough to provide me with an update that explains how Anthropogenic Global Densification (AGD) explains our current weather patterns as well:

As the earth’s radius continues to shrink, due to AGD, the surface of our fragile planet moves marginally further from the sun. This, coupled with dramatically reduced solar activity, will result in deadly freezing temperatures on earth. My model is 100% consistent with weather patterns we are seeing today.

Stay tuned for further developments; until then I leave you with this final thought: It’s not nice to mess with mother nature.


Linked By: R. George Dunn, Joel Quinn, Mireille Buser, Helene Fagan Bidwell, Abby L Call, Susana Patrick on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Watch Out: Michelle’s Got Her LaVaughn On

I know what you’re thinking:

President Barack Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia have departed Hawaii after a 15-day family vacation for the holidays.(snip)

Michelle Obama is staying behind on the islands as a birthday present from her husband.

Just because you haven’t actually seen Lady M since Christmas day does not mean that she’s had any cosmetic procedures performed and is recuperating in the balmy Hawaiian weather.

After all, when you are already cover girl perfect, what more is there to do?

Screenshot-Studio-capture-1608_thumb[2]From April in Vogue, to December at Home

So perfect in fact that you no longer even need the camouflage of last year’s bangs!


Unless, of course, you’re much, much older:

460905579SP033_BILL_DE_BLASBill and Hill, at the  de Grazio seizure of New York

Even then, it won’t work for you as well as it once did:


Butt speaking of hairdos and de Blasio’s inauguration; did you see Mayor de Blasio’s son, Dante? I swear, if Barack Obama had a son, he would look like just like Dante!

Screenshot Studio capture #1614On the left, Big Guy as a young man. Right, Dante de Blasio

afrosBO, rockin’ his ‘fro in High School – Sweet!

Butt back to Lady M. All I can tell you is that she’s in one of her, uh, “moods.” She just found out about the FDA’s reversal of her healthy, restricted calorie/grain/protein school lunch program to fight obesity. And she’s taking it as a personal, racially charged slights. The truth is, the kids just wouldn’t swallow the new guidelines the way the more compliant adults do:

lunch 2Today’s special: grow-and-make-your-own salad bar


So Lady M’s just going to stay in Hawaii and pout for awhile. Since she wants to look her absolute best at her Fab Fifty party, she’s taking some me-time to detox after all of the BO “together time” she had to put up with over the holidays: and I’m sure you know what “together-time” I’m referring to.

mo bo bobby“One of these things is not like the other things” – what do you have to say to that Melissa?

I realize that this “birthday present from her husband” will require us to dispatch Air Force Won Too to pick Lady M up and fly her back to Washington – so you’ve all pitched in to pay for the gift as well! So thanks!

And trust me, it will be worth it; you have no idea how much it costs to have the White House china replaced every time Lady M get’s in “one of her moods.” We call it “getting her LaVaughn on” and in case you’ve forgotten, this is what it sounds like when that happens:


“One of the things I don’t do well is this, do you understand? Listen to me, or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”

“Getting her LaVaughn on” colloquialism; definition: an incomprehensible non sequitur followed by an illogical syllogism. Generally performed when people are very upset, and usually only by people who have an Ivy League education diploma.

Linked By: Randy Eaton, Abby L Call, Mireille Buser, Patricia Redd Dobbs, Jackie Spaulding, Susana Patrick, Mary Fu, Clint Counts, Freedomfighters2127, Doris Fritsche Bergmann on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Saturday, January 4, 2014

“Shrugging It Off”– It’s a Game of the Throne

I thought you’d like to know: with the release of the greatly anticipated White House feature, “2013 – YEAR IN REVIEW”
hero_2013_review_2Yes: the White House really did title this image “Hero”
the WhiteHouse.Gov site has officially been recognized as the most thorough, reliable and verifiable propaganda machine in the nation! It readily beat out all of its close competitors at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Ms.NBC and the New York Times for the title Propagandist of the Year.
You can see why, with “highlights” from each and every month of the year that includes a vast array of fun facts:
Screenshot Studio capture #1612@ 1:34: “Here’s where it gets a little wonky” – really?
thought-provoking photos:
wh_middle_east_2013Action Hero Obama! In Action! In Israel!!
and pseudo-true charts, grafts and claims, such as this one, touting the number of private sector jobs created in the past 45 months:
jobschart_november2013Without mentioning how many are minimum wage service jobs, part-time, or temporary. (Or offsetting the 8.1 million by the number of jobs lost in the first 15 months.)
Butt you have to dig a little deeper (and have special security clearance) if you want to discover all of the really fun stuff embedded in the site. For example, I found this clip in the “Name that Hero’s Personality Disorder” section. It’s apparently a game called “Shrugging You Off.” Here Big Guy is teamed up against Mr. Monk in which they both exhibit a similar trait associated with two very different personality disorders and you guess who has which. Your choices are “Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” – good luck!
NOTE: if you can’t view the video in IE, try FireFox or watch the video on Raj’s Vimeo channel. Sorry, no idea why it won’t play on some computers.

Be sure to visit our brag-site, because it’s chock-full of stuff that you can use to beat any of those racist-Teahadists into complete submission with your possession of superior talking points,  homemade charts and grafts, and the use of selective memory holes.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Teresa Godhasaplan, Freedomfighters2127, Abby L Call, Susana Patrick, John Legier Yates on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Friday, January 3, 2014

Self-Esteem Begat the Selfie Generation

Breaking news: overpraising kids with low self-esteem might backfire.

“While kids with high self-esteem seem to thrive with inflated praise, those with low self-esteem actually shrink from new challenges when adults go overboard on praising them.”

So overpraising kids might be a bad thing? That’s something that every parent on the planet once knew instinctively before the sociologists, psychologists and other “ologists” grabbed the reins of childrearing.

framed world readership-CENTAU-WM copyDoes that mean everybody shouldn’t get an award?

Nor is it surprising that the negative results of “overpraising,” aka false praise, effects kids with low self-esteem differently than their high-esteem peers. The kids with low self-esteem were born with the ability to recognize the difference between sham and substance from an early age and respond accordingly. They are destined to be the world’s realists. So getting praise from adults, who are supposed to know better, for substandard performance is of course confusing to these kids. They seem more grounded in reality than most of the adults in their life.


bo smugshots.2jpgOh yeah, I’m all that…and more.

So while children with high self-esteem may see themselves as the center of the universe,

20narc-isists universe

their more realistic low-esteem friends know there’s probably much more out there.


Butt ah, the kids with high self-esteem! They are the dreamers…

narcissist11Why yes, Rachel, dear, of course you can fly! And you do an excellent Clark Kent impersonation too.

…they are the WONs we’ve been waiting for. They have a gift; they were born to leave their mark on the world and it will all be good!


Getting back to the high praise study though, I guess high self-esteem isn’t necessarily a good thing either, as was first reported in 1998:

It has been widely asserted that low self-esteem causes violence, but laboratory evidence is lacking, and some contrary observations have characterized aggressors as having favorable self-opinions. In 2 studies, both simple self-esteem and narcissism were measured, and then individual participants were given an opportunity to aggress against someone who had insulted them or praised them or against an innocent third person. Self-esteem proved irrelevant to aggression. The combination of narcissism and insult led to exceptionally high levels of aggression toward the source of the insult.

obama_mad_fox“If you bring a knife, we bring a gun…and you can’t have one.”

…These findings contradict the popular view that low self-esteem causes aggression and point instead toward threatened egotism as an important cause.

I don’t know anyone around here that would apply to however.


Rude drones to follow…

drone_forward“…'We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us'…”

So, what have we learned today, boys and girls? You should not overpraise kids with low self-esteem. Better that they come by their self-esteem the old fashioned way: by earning it. However for the kids that already have already developed high self-esteem for no particularly good reason: go ahead and praise them as profusely as you want. It can’t hurt, they’re already delusional.

obama special

And with enough false praise they might just grow up to be president someday.

BO-FDR time cover%20Obama

Or Prime Minister…


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Karen Plante, Michael Wise, Far North Dallas Tea Party Patriots, Abby L Call, Mireille Buser, Charlotte Crain, Donald R Fuller, Clint Counts, Kelli D Gordon, Susana Patrick, Donald P Domke on facebook, and @batfreight, @juneslili on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year, a New Round of Racism, Genderism and Golf

I’m afraid everyone missed the point surrounding the Ms.NBC-Melissa Harris-Perry controversy over this absolutely charming picture of the Romney family patriarch and matriarch taken with their 21 grandchildren. The criticism has centered around the show’s host and guests mocking of little Kieran Romney, the adopted black grandson of Mitt Romney.

Butt it’s worse than that. Look closely at this picture:


Kieran is the little black baby on Mitt’s lap in…pink. As Ms.NBC’s Managing Editor of Outrage pointed out, all the other little grandsons are wearing…blue, while all the granddaughters are wearing…pink. “One of these things is not like the others” indeed!  And what could be more racist than to dress the one grandchild of color differently than the others? Ok, maybe a bone in the nose and Kente cloth, butt racists are never that obvious. Unless, of course, they’re trying to tell us that little Kieran is…gay! In which case they’re still racist, butt that makes little Kieran a “token twofer!”

I should have known that Melissa Harris-Perry would never mock the fact that a Mormon family lovingly embraced a little black child, as she herself was “a black child born into a large white Mormon family.”  I’m just guessing that she may still be a bit conflicted over this however,as her birth mother is white butt MHP has been quoted as saying:  “I’ve never thought of myself as biracial. I’m black.”

melissa-harris-perry-mother-dad-parentsSorry Mom: you’re white and I’m not.

Anyway if the #MHPapology crew was making fun of little Kieran’s sexual orientation, well, that’s way worse than mocking the fact that a loving Mormon family adopted a black child. Still, either way:


In case you’re unfamiliar with MH-P, and you probably are, she’s a professor of women’s studies – I know, hard to believe! - at Tulane University. And she’s straight; go figure. Butt I guess that does explain her radical feminism. Here she is protesting the Republican War on Women during the War of 2012:

Melissa-Harris-Perry A feminist protest: wear tampon earrings on TV. Edgy and classy!

Coming as she does from a family that highly values activism, she’s a strident “black, feminist marriage-equality advocate.” So maybe her real issue with the Romney’s large, in-tact, Mormon family model is not the fact that they adopted a little black baby, butt that she thinks they should just back off and leave the rearing of children to the more correct thinking “community” at large:

melissa-harris-perry-children-belong-to-us-choice“You are all belong to me now, comrade.”

So, now that we’ve settled that race/sex thing once and for all, let’s move on to more important issues. Like golf. On day 12 of the WONs annual Hawaiian vacation, Big Guy finally took pity on the press pool and allowed them to take photos while he played a little golf with the gang.

460072361You look like you’re losing a little weight there, Big Guy. How about catching a late-night snack?

“President Obama began the new year Wednesday by allowing pool photographers and others to snap new pictures of him on the golf course.

After holing out, [ed. hey, I don’t write this stuff, I just repeat it] Obama smiled,

bo golf smirk

waved to the crowd, and said, "happy new year!" When someone shouted, "we love you!" Obama replied: "I love you back."

And then he got right back to the business at hand: trying to get himself out of this hole he’s inexplicably found himself in.

sand trapWow! That’s a really big hole! Good luck Barry!


NOTE: A quick look back to the Romney clan picture - to an objective eye, one not looking for any type of racist, sexist, genderist outrage, it might appear that all of the babies under one year of age, regardless of sex, are dressed identically in peach colored onesies. Of course, that would be ageist, so I guess you can’t really win at this game.

Linked By: American Digest, and Claire @ Sondrakistan, and Frank G on Rantburg, and Abby L Call, Mireille Buser on facebook, and @ValCSilver on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network