Senator Marco Rubio kicked off his campaign for President this week with an unexpected generational throw down.
"This election is a generational choice about what kind of country we will be," Rubio said Monday night as he kicked off his bid for the White House.
…"Just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday," Rubio said. "Yesterday is over -- and we're never going back."
I should be offended as I’m quite sure Marco’s speech was – in addition to being part of the Republican War on Women - an ageist assault on everyone over age 50. So at the risk of showing my hard drive’s age, I give you this flashback from deep within (yesterday’s) rock and roll vault:
I loved you all the summer through
I thought I'd found my dream in you
But that was yesterday and yesterday's gone
We walked together hand in hand
'Cross miles and miles of golden sand
But now it's over and done
'Cause that was yesterday and yesterday's gone
We had such happiness together
I can't believe it's gone forever
Wait 'til summer comes again
I hope that you'll remember when
Our love had just begun
I loved you yesterday and yesterday's gone
We had such happiness together
I can't believe it's gone forever
Wait 'til summer comes again
I hope that you'll remember when
Our love had just begun
I loved you yesterday and yesterday's gone
Yesterday's gone
Yesterday's gone
Yesterday's gone
And on an unrelated note, don’t forget that today is High Five Day!
Hilz was last seen in Iowa, working on the concept butt failing miserably:
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network