If there had been 24/7 news coverage in the 60’s I wonder where our cities would be today?
I suppose, it might have been like this:
Because there’s nothing like fixating on the problem to avoid formulating an effective solution. To that end, progressives have focused on the racial unrest of the 60’s as their sole source of input to domestic policies for over 50 years. Results have been predictable; well done Progs:
Baltimore: Anarchy then and now.
I suggest we not participate in the media’s fixation on problem. And I’ve got just what we need instead, a good squirrel: Wally, to be exact.
And be sure to note Wally’s “fortune” as it might somehow be applicable to our current situation:
Like lunch, maybe?
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network