Tuesday, April 14, 2015

“Munch”-Hausen By Proxy–It’s a Real Thing

Here is Lady M, encouraging little children to develop and submit their very own “healthy lunch” recipe in order to win an invite to her Children’s State Dinner.

Apparently she is unaware of a new pandemic sweeping the country that could be as serious as the obesity epidemic: orthorexia-nervosa. I’m deathly serious, it’s a real thing:

 A new type of eating disorder is emerging where people are becoming obsessed with eating to improve their health.

Victims of this 'health food eating disorder' may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • may be 'plunged into gloom' by eating a piece of bread
  • gluten-bad

  • may become anxious about when their next superfood hit of kale, chia or quinoa hit is coming
  • OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADinner will be ready in 4 hours!

  • Exaggerated focus on food can be seen in raw, clean and paleo dieters
  • healthy school lunch

    Although not currently listed in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) orthorexia nervosa is clearly an eating disorder. What else would you call a person obsessed with “righteous eating” that involves dietary fads “that promise superior health by restricting whole food groups without a medical reason or even a valid scientific explanation.”

    Gluten-Free-MenuI’m pretty sure Lady M isn’t suffering from this disease herself, although she may be promoting it. And she may have a related disorder - “orthorexia nervosa by proxy” (related to Münchausen syndrome by proxy) – in which the sufferer is obsessed with imposing “righteous eating” habits on everyone else.

    First lady Michelle Obama visits students making smoothies with fresh fruits and vegetablesI will not eat  Yes you will eat your vegetables!

    Worse, I think our President-in-Waiting may be developing a full blown case of this disease. Did you see what she ordered when she and Huma slipped into the Chipotle incognito by avoiding interaction with the staff and ignoring all of the “real people” there?

    hillary chipotle

    Either that or she’s just trying to establish her Hispanic bona fides before Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz try to  claim Latino roots.

    Butt I have good news – Tito’s Vodka is Made in America AND Gluten Free!


    Now both Lady M and Hills are free to go about their daily pathologies completely guilt free and without a whiff of hypocrisy. Bottoms Up!

    Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

    Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network