It’s been quite a week for little old ladies:
- First we have Hillary, in what certainly must have been a display of somewhat-early-onset-Alzheimers. She claimed no knowledge of what is, was, or should be classified; and demurred that the complexities of government security clearance was beyond her ken. It’s as if she was a helpless little girl faced with a big bad math problem too tough for a little girl to solve, or something. Employing the old anti-feminist “dust rag” defense she deflected the entire controversy by metaphorically flicking it off.
Hands up! Don’t Shoot! (take 2)
- And then there’s this, from another little old lady in Big Sur: Elderly Woman Pulls Gun On Knife-Wielding Home Invaders.
The 2 assailants were “described as Hispanic men in their mid 20s.” Of course they were; as Jeb told us, they came for love.
DISCLAIMER: I am not the one responsible for calling a woman in her “late sixties” elderly. Some punk in San Francisco did that.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network