It’s pretty easy to understand The Donald’s appeal: even though he’s rough around the edges, usually has the funkiest hair in the room, and often leaves much to be desired on the charm front: he’s a WINNER. And before you-know-who, America loved winners and WINNING!
Ever since you-know-who we’ve become accustomed to being taken to the cleaners, looking like schmucks and being generally relegated to the has-been rag pile. In negotiation after negotiation Big Guy, and his SOS of the moment, have ended up with the short-end of the stick. Team Obama’s negotiations can be boiled down to a simple strategy that I call “How about I give you my new Mercedes for your old shoe™?” Just in the last 2 months we’ve been slapped with two agreements (the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Iran Nuke Deal) in this category.
And then, of course, the Terrorists-for-Turncoat deal that you-know-who negotiated in order to have a Rose Garden photo op with a bearded, ponytailed-Muslim guy last summer:
Now even the Army is admitting what everybody else knew from the start: Bowe was a deserter all along. I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you.
And even if you’re not a fan of The Donald’s, does anyone think he couldn’t have done better than the record Team Obama has racked up on the international scene?
The President’s string of misjudgments on the Middle East—on the peace process, Erdogan, withdrawal from Iraq, Libya, ISIS as the “J.V. team”, and Syria—is one of the most striking examples of serial failure in the annals of American foreign policy.
Generally speaking, what the President seems worst at is estimating the direction in which events are flowing. He thought Erdogan was taking Turkey in one direction; Erdogan was going somewhere else. He thought there was a transition to democracy in Egypt; there never was a prospect of that. He has repeatedly been caught flatfooted by events in Syria. And Putin keeps running rings around him.
Understanding the intentions and estimating the capabilities of people who don’t share his worldview are not our President’s strong suits.
Again, you may not be a Donald fan, butt compare his talent and experience (considerable and extensive) to Team Obama’s (zero and none) and determine who better to negotiate with the people who wish Death to America. It’s pretty simple; do you want the Mercedes next to the shining city on a hill?
Or another old shoe?
I said, “old shoe” – if you heard “old shrew” that’s not my fault.
Hillary ducks as woman throws an old shoe at her. Seriously.
Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network