Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween From Washington D.C.

A Congressional delegation goes trick or treating:

“A witch, a toad, a ghost and a bat. A vampire, a mummy, a yellow-eyed cat. A fairy, a ghoul, and a plump little rat.”

trick-or-treatersFrom Halloween Night written by Marjorie Dennis Murray, illustrated by Brandon Dorman

It’s Halloween – and I’ve got some treats for you.

First, a Halloween performance of “Staying Alive” by some of America’s most talented politicians from both sides of the aisle. Performing for the R’s: John Kasich, Lindsey Graham and Jeb! And for the D’s - who else? - Hillary and Bernie. It’s a cast which despite all odds has somehow managed to hang in there.

Their backup band is the highly acclaimed group, the Vampoodles:


They’re cute, butt don’t get too close; I’m not sure they even know they’re vampires.

Anyway, if you need a little food to sustain you for the onslaught of trick or treaters why not grab yourself a pizza,

ghost pizza

and perhaps a nice Halloween cocktail if you’re so inclined: the Candy Corn Martini with Pop Rocks is hot this time of year.

candy corn martini with pop rocks

And speaking of candy corn, allow me to introduce you to our new food pyramid. I haven’t run it by Lady M yet, butt I’m sure she’ll approve:  

                          candy corn-1 frontNew USDA approved food pyramid 

Happy Halloween!

Linked By: iOTWREPORT, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network