Hard to believe it’s Soop-er Tuesday already. My, how time flies when you’re having fun!
Or at least Belgian-style politics.
Prepare yourself for a day of ignoring phone calls from pollsters and get-out-the voters who will be annoying you right up to the minute the polls close. Since I sent my absentee ballot in last week (Ted Cruz!) I think I’ll prepare a traditional Belgique dinner instead of watching the pundits and pundettes pretend to, first, predict and, second, analyze the primary results.
Fox Pundette, doing research for commentating on Soop-er Tuesday at the Vanity Fair after-Oscars Party
The meal is a commemorative gesture to Belgium as it used to be, prior to succumbing to the European Union’s (and the Democrats’) vision of how the world should work.
I’m thinking moules frites:
With a nice Belgium beer:
And perhaps a few Belgium chocolates for dessert.
You’re welcome to join me for dinner, or you can gird you loins for yet another night of primary coverage. Whichever you prefer.
“So 2 Cubans and a WASP walk into a bar…”
Sorry, I’m not sure how that joke ends, as it was interrupted by a barroom brawl.
Meanwhile, things are looking pretty bad over in Kasichistan:
Come on guys, what part of “rally” do you not understand?
So carry on. Since we’ve already disproved one of Warren Buffett’s most famous adages - “Negotiating with one's self seldom produces a barroom brawl” - let’s at least try to keep the barroom brawls to a minimum.
Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network