Tuesday, March 1, 2016

If It’s Tuesday This Must Be Belgium

Hard to believe it’s Soop-er Tuesday already. My, how time flies when you’re having fun!

if-its-tuesday_-this-must-be-belgium-dvd-coverOr at least Belgian-style politics.

Prepare yourself for a day of ignoring phone calls from pollsters and get-out-the voters who will be annoying you right up to the minute the polls close. Since I sent my absentee ballot in last week (Ted Cruz!) I think I’ll prepare a traditional Belgique dinner instead of watching the pundits and pundettes pretend to, first, predict and, second, analyze the primary results. 

megyn oscar dress2Fox Pundette, doing research for commentating on Soop-er Tuesday at the Vanity Fair after-Oscars Party

The meal is a commemorative gesture to Belgium as it used to be, prior to succumbing to the European Union’s (and the Democrats’) vision of how the world should work.

I’m thinking moules frites:


With a nice Belgium beer:

duvel-897x960“Devil” – how appropriate.

And perhaps a few Belgium chocolates for dessert.

Belgian Chocolate

You’re welcome to join me for dinner, or you can gird you loins for yet another night of primary coverage. Whichever you prefer.

“So 2 Cubans and a WASP walk into a bar…”

rubio trump cruz

Sorry, I’m not sure how that joke ends, as it was interrupted by a barroom brawl.

Meanwhile, things are looking pretty bad over in Kasichistan:

john kasich rally oh joyCome on guys, what part of “rally” do you not understand?

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network