As you know we have a long history of “Who Wore it Better” posts around here:
From Valentine’s Wishes From the RED Zone -
WWIB: Lady M or Kate Beckinsale
Or one of my favorites, WWIB, Lady M or Cinderella?
So I knew Hillary was serious about her bid to rule the world when I saw her jump into the WWIB fray:
I guess she thought that donning a Captain’s jacket would bolster her military chops. Not that she needs to establish her bona fides, having once landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.
WWIB – oh never mind; it’s pretty obvious.
Butt seriously, with all of her accomplishments Hillary needn’t resort to fashion showdowns to establish her qualifications for the presidency.
This post brought to you by the Committee to Elect Donald Trump -
and the Committee to Elect Ted Cruz -
Both of whom wear their looks better than the competition.
And remember, if popularity was all that counted we’d have another Kardashian Presidency.
…and I’m not talking about Kanye.
“The mystery is at last revealed: why does the field of candidates for president score so uniformly low in trust, credibility, likability? Why are there no candidates of real substance, principle, and especially of real charm in this scrim of political basilisks? (snip) The reason is that the problems are unfixable, at least not within the acceptable terms of the zeitgeist, namely: the secret wish to keep all the rackets going at all costs. (snip)
And that is how Kim Kardashian gets elected president.” - James Howard Kunstler
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network