Sunday, July 31, 2016

Face Freeze

calvin face freeze

Let’s just reflect a moment on Hillary’s likeness as portrayed by Hollywood makeup artists -

hillary face on a stickHow they want us to see Hillary

Vs. the “real” Hillary face, or at least as real as it can be after a couple of face lifts and unlimited use of Botox and fillers.

hillary getty The “real” face of Hillary at a rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, July 29

Wow! She could easily pass for 10 years older than her 68 years. Don’t worry though, the only one you’ll ever see is this version, shot by the MSM’s professional photographers who are prone to soften her image with unfocused lenses, softened lighting and, when necessary, photoshopping:

hillary softened

So stop demanding Hillary’s medical records and just take the media’s word for it, she’s healthy and vibrant!

Oh, and don’t forget; today is the last day of National Hot Dog Month! Stick a fork in it.

hillary hot dog

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network