Remember the RNC’s daily themes? Make America Safe Again, Make America Work Again, Make America First Again and Make America One Again? And while the Dems mocked the themes that didn’t stop them from purloining the theme-of-the-day concept for their own convention.
Day 1 theme: BLM – Bernie Lives (don’t) Matter, aka "United Together." If by “united” you mean divided
and by “together” you mean not so much.
Day 2 theme: BLM – Blue Lives (don’t) Matter, in which "Mothers of the Movement" were featured speakers of the evening.
Brought to you by the party responsible for creating the need for “The Movement.”
Whereas the sub-theme for the day was “A Lifetime Of Fighting For Children And Families” the DNC exploited the grieving mother’s of thugs whose lives were “prematurely” ended by police action and the grieving mothers of children whose lives were prematurely ended by thugs. And Republicans are to blame for both because a) cops acting stupidly, and b) guns. Take away message: Black Lives Matter butt Blue Lives Don’t.
Secondary BLM theme of the day: Bill’s Life Still Matters. I’d like to say he’s still got it, butt clearly he doesn’t.
To hear him tell it, Al Gore was wrong - Love Story was not about Al and Tipper; obviously it was inspired by the Clintons life-long love affair.
Today, Day 3, is once again BLM – Barack’s Life Matters as Barry takes to the podium to tell us why his best Secretary of State will also be his best replacement. Should he decide to leave.
So far this convention has been a resounding success. Unity,
And peace out:
Enjoy your freedoms while you’ve still got ‘em
So let’s stop focusing on the email scandal; to quote Bernie Sanders: “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!”
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and GlockTalk, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network