I’m taking a vacation this week so I thought it would be fun to reflect back on the Wons first Martha’s Vineyard vacation compliments of the taxpayer.
First, from August 25, 2009: If The Shoe Fits (or not)
Sheeze! Can you believe all the hoo-ha over Lady M’s tootsies? Haven’t I got enough to worry about from the ankles up – and please, no canckle jokes from you little zumba Everyready bunnies.
I would think the MSM would be following the escapades of Rahm, the only toes in this administration that count. He’s down in Florida this week trying to stem the tide of the AARP revolt. That’s not going so well either, since they’re not apparently quite as acquiescent as old Twinkle Toe’s used to. He’s more of the “convincing through coercion school”. Like the SEIU.
h/t Cripes Suzette
But fine, if the shoe fits, and all that. Those damn sandals in both photos are the Ferragamos that MO picked up on our Roman shopping spree. As you may recall, I tried to deal with the issue at the time. But no, we still came home with the wrong size.
So lighten up out there. It’s summer. I’m supposed to be on vacation too and frankly keeping the image refracting going full time on the halter tops and shorts is a stretch (no pun intended).
I’m only going to say this once: Lady M has 5 toes on each foot. I don’t have enough diodes to make those size 13 EEEE’s squeezed into a size 8 AA look anything like normal. Deal with it.
And this, Black Dog Down, from August 24, 2009:
Well, Lady M decided to do a little shopping today on our “tony island retreat”. Things were going pretty well. No one asked FLOTUS what size she needed or anything.
We were strolling down South Summer Avenue when the next thing you know, someone behind us is shouting “Hey! Where’s that famous black dog?”
All of a sudden, 20 secret service guys have their Uzis drawn and the locals are diving to the sidewalk like frogs. Thanks goodness I had loaded all of the local fashion stores onto my 2 TB RAID array, and cross linked them with GPS coordinates (sorted by price point, hi to lo end – we’re only here a week).
So, when I heard “Black Dog” and it popped up in the top 5, it triggered an automatic “STAND DOWN” order to the SS agents’ Bluetooth headsets. “It’s just an expensive resort wear boutique!!!”, I radioed.
The SS guys relaxed as the poor shlub, who was just looking for an expensive island logo T-shirt to impress his neighbors, was released from a choke-hold. Lady M, still a little shaken by all the fuss, snarled in my direction, “resort to what, MF?”
I think BFF and I are going to have a little talk tonight. I’m putting in for my own vacation; a trip to the NASA Spa for a wax and polish.
After all, I did prevent a situation that would’ve required the Big Guy to go on television again and explain how the Secret Service agents had acted “stupidly”.
Seven years later and basically nothing, and everything, has changed. Time to change it back.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network