Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What Not To Wear, Ever. Episode 2751

Another whimsical notion from the unflinching Daily Mail, this time regarding the frock Lady M chose for last night’s state dinner honoring Singapore:

We're going to file this one under: BREATHTAKING.

Michelle Obama stole the show at this evening's state dinner wearing a strapless gown that folded over at the neckline and cinched in her waist before it elegantly fell to the floor with its splendid statement cape.

Would we expect anything less from the First Lady of Style? [ed.I couldn’t have put it better myself]

custom contstructed brandon maxell

[ed. Does anyone other than me think this “folded over at the neckline” look is a bit derivative of Mary Tyler Moore’s costume in Change of Habit?]

mary tyler moore

In typical Michelle Obama fashion, she chose an up and coming designer for this evening's stunning custom-made look by Brandon Maxwell. With a penchant for dramatic silhouettes,

side view of the construction - Copy


trailing glory - Copy

and exquisite tailoring,

back view - Copy

Maxwell has made a name for himself in the fashion world by creating some (of) Lady Gaga's most memorable costumes and red-carpet ensembles.

Oh yes, trust me; it could have been much worse.

lady gaga on stageFrom Lady Gaga to FLOTUS in 7 short years: amazing!

And the Butani diamond earrings looked nice with the “dramatic smokey eye” and pink lips.


I’m sure Singapore was impressed.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network