This whole Weiner waggin’ mess started sometime in June, 2011: The Wages of War: Bris or Brisket. At the time I reported the following:
After adamantly claiming for days that he did not have sext with that woman, what’s her name, Anthony Weiner finally admitted that he did indeed sext his pecs... along with other miscellaneous anatomical assets to several women; both prior and subsequent to his marriage to Huma (who couldn’t make it to the press conference due to a previous engagement)…
Wiping back tears, Rep. Weiner said "This was me doing a dumb thing and doing it repeatedly and lying about it..."
Only instead of learning from his public humaliation, he did another dumb thing the next summer. And again, the summer after that – although at least he was smart enough to use an alias: Carlos Danger Steers the Weiner Waggin.’ Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to prevent another embarrassing public exposure and the end of his political “comeback” as New York’s mayoral candidate.
Surprisingly though this “dumb thing” did not end his arranged marriage, presumably because Huma needed a part-time baby sitter for their unfortunate offspring. So Mr. Danger became a busy stay-at-home-mom butt still found time to stay buff. What did baby Jordan ever do to deserve this wolf-pact as his parental units?
“My what big teeth you have” said the kettle to the pot.
But you can’t keep a good Carlos down. And so come August when, as Barry says, everyone gets all “wee weed up,” another dumb thing pops up. Only this time it was such a dumb thing that this time Mr. Danger has Child Protective Services breathing down his throat.
This time the Weiner might be roasted.
We come to bury Carlos, not to praise him.
So if Weiner wishes to pursue his political ambitions further, for Carlos is an ambitious man, he may have to do so under a different flag.
Ever wonder what your shadow says about you?
Although I doubt Israel will have anything to do with him. So maybe Ecuador: he seems to like waving their flag too.
Running the Ecuadoran flag up the flagpole
Yeah, I think he and Julian Assange might be able to take over the Ecuadoran embassy in London and run a coup out of there. Nobody would notice, or care, and that would get them both out of our hair.
Alternately, there’s always Hollywood: MSM Pictures announced today an action packed remake of Ian Flemming’s “The World Is Not Enough” starring Anthony Weiner as Agent 001, Carlos Danger.
Oh, and regarding The Donald’s speech last night in Phoenix? CNN’s opening line pretty much sums it up: “That idea that Donald Trump is softening his immigration policy: Not going to happen.”
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network