It has been 36 days since the election and the Libs are still busy blaming everybody and their typical white grandmas for their loss: James Comey, White Supremacists, the Russians - ah yes! The Russians!
And despite Barry’s certitude it still doesn’t look like we can definitively say that the multiple hacks were Russian cyber attacks. Indeed, making such allegations strikes me as less than prudent from the team that can’t shoot straight yet still prides itself on its foreign relations skills.
From the Brandenburg Gate to the Gates of Hell: Obama can take you there!
Butt I digress, 36 days and still nobody has disputed any of the information revealed in the hacks – only that it was released to hurt Hillary and help Trump. Although I don’t know how you can have it both ways; either they “stole the election” from Hillary or, as Barry described the email hacks in his non-funny Comedy Central interview, her emails were “not very interesting.” I guess that depends on what your definition of “interesting” is. Maybe they weren’t very interesting to people who already knew that Hillary was a corrupt liar, hypocrite, racist and elitist.
And since nobody has disputed the veracity of the information released by the hacked emails I cannot fathom why anyone would object to citizens having more data available in order to cast a more informed vote. Especially since it’s the kind of data we once expected from impartial investigative journalists – you know, in order to keep the public informed of political corruption?
And now it looks like the allegations of voter fraud made by Jill Stein have indeed turned up evidence of voter fraud. No, not the voter suppression that the Right is well known for, quite the opposite: extra-credit voting. And in Democratic bastions like Detroit where it looks like they were running a BOLO (buy 1 get 1 free) promotion on election day. As I reported last week over one-third of Detroit’s precincts couldn’t be included in Michigan’s recount because, in a nutshell: more votes than voters. Again. I can’t imagine how that could happen. It’s a good thing the Judge shut the Michigan recount down for unrelated reasons. Too bad the State Legislature is launching a thorough audit of Detroit’s votes.
I just can’t figure out how the Russians managed to pull that hack off.
Detroit, We Still Count; Twice!
Alas, given the fact that each congressional district gets one electoral vote it still wasn’t enough. So Buh-bye! If the Russians can’t save you, nobody can.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!
Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network