Saturday, January 30, 2016

Even Famous Blondes Can’t Lie to the FBI

Bernie Sanders may be tired of hearing about Hillary’s email scandal butt after yesterday’s revelation that "22 documents covering 37 pages" from seven email chains were Top Secret and will not be released, he may be the only one who is.

Despite Hilz insistence that this is all part of the vast right-wing conspiracy it should be noted that the FBI falls under the juristiction of the Obama Department of Justice. If I were advising Hillary I might suggest she pack away some of the smugness and attempt faking a little more remorsefulness for a change.

hillary“OK, I’m sorry you found them.”

California Congressman Darrell Issa, who previously led an investigation into Benghazi as former chairman of the House Oversight Committee, says the FBI "would like to indict both Huma [Abedin] and Hillary Clinton" for conducting sensitive government business on an unsecure, private email server. – Washington Examiner

And remember: just being a powerful, strong, blonde woman and your moniker is a household name does not make you bullet proof.

5_1_stewart_martha_guiltyJust ask Martha – you can’t lie to the FBI

Butt let’s keep this upbeat: Give them hell in the Iowa primary Hill! And in the unlikely event that you actually do get indicted and convicted there’s even an upside to that: when you get out you can get a couple new French bull dogs and a complete machine grooming and just get on with your life like Martha did.

martha dogsMartha, post-incarceration makeover with her adorable French bulldogs, Francesca and Sharkey

Depending on the sentence you could be good to go again by the  ‘24 or ‘28 election. It will be just like the ‘90’s again.

hillary cat and dogHillary, post-incarceration makeover with Socks II and Buddy II

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Friday, January 29, 2016

The Republican Debate: A Swell Job Was Done By All

Did you watch the Republican debate last night? Neither did I. I did tune in to their after-show selfie analysis long enough to note that Fox thinks they did a very fine job, indeed. With The Donald off the set the show really was all about the moderators, the way it’s supposed to be.


And I must say in the clips I saw Ms. Megyn looked fabulous. Although those furry eyelashes were a bit distracting in the same way Lady M’s are from time to time


Anyway, they think they did such a swell job that they even managed to breathe a little life back into well financed policy wonk Jeb! and to give a little boost to everybody’s new favorite homeboy, Marco.

marco jeb“Man, he’s good!”

So hat’s off to Fox, it could have been a very difficult situation butt they handled it like the pro’s they are. I’d say they did a swell job.


They just seem to be getting bigger and bigger don’t they?

japanese-eye-lashesCaution: continuous batting of those furry lashes may be hazardous to your health.

P.S. Preliminary numbers indicate that viewership of last night’s debate were not as yuge as the previous ones.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Submission Thy Name is Islam

What happens when America stops expecting its immigrants to assimilate to our culture and instead assimilates to theirs? Well, you begin by installing footbaths at universities so Muslims will stop washing their feet in the bathroom sinks and you take it from there. Eventually the rights and rituals of the minority Muslims take presedence over the rights and rituals of the country’s majority Christians.

For a closer look at how the world’s most advanced civilization submits to the will of the world’s most retrograde civilization we need only look to Europe. In the past week two stories exemplify the death spiral the West has embraced.

First from Britain, where polygamy is illegal butt perfectly acceptable under Sharia law, men with more than one wife will now qualify for extra benefits under the State’s universal credit welfare system.

polygamy in londonHassan with his 3 wives and some of his kids

Because British citizens who outlawed polygamy should pay for refugees who don’t acknowledge their law. And want to replace it with their own.


Next we have Italy, where Iranian president Hassan Rouhani's visit caused Italian officials to cover ancient statues with white boards so as not to offend his sensibilites with their nudity.

28Rouhani-w covered statues italy

The statues, in a corridor leading to a grand hall in Rome’s renowned Capitoline Museums, were encased in tall white boxes ahead of a news conference that Mr. Rouhani held on Monday with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy. One of the statues was the “Capitoline Venus,” a Roman copy of a legendary fourth century B.C. work by Praxiteles; some of the other sculptures were of ancient Greek and Roman gods, dressed minimally, if at all.

Many Italians were offended, butt that didn’t seem to matter.

“The problem is that those statues — yes, those icons of classicism and models of humanism — are the foundation of European and Mediterranean culture and civilization,” the columnist Michele Serra wrote in La Repubblica. To conceal them, he wrote, “is to conceal ourselves.”

And even horse statues were not immune:

One newspaper even reported that in the grand hall at the Capitoline where the two leaders spoke, the lectern was placed to the side — not the front — of an equestrian statue of the emperor Marcus Aurelius, apparently to avoid having images of the horse’s genitals appear in news photographs.

28Rouhani-w look ma no genitals  “Look ma no genitals!” The horse I mean.

So again I ask, what happens when you stop expecting your guests, invited or otherwise, to assimilate? Answer: you are the one who will be assimilated.


So you may as well submit as resistance is futile.


Or is it?

second amendThe original Homeland Security

I will not submit, how about you?

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You’ve Been Trumped

blog_trump_cardFox News, you’ve just been Trumped

Love him or hate him you’ve got to admire The Donald’s style. It’s not like he hasn’t made it perfectly clear: if you eff with him he will eff with you.

So when Fox put out a pre-debate snarky comment about Trump yesterday:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

he pulled out of the debate. Well played: who needs to hear from all these guys again anyway when there’s only 3 real contenders and what new do they have to say anyway? The debates are now more for the benefit of the media than the voters. And Fox gave The Donald the perfect excuse to decline to participate by making it more about Fox News in general rather than Megyn Kelly in particular.

Plus he’ll be holding a competing event that will benefit veterans and wounded warriors. Maybe Fox can cover that too, to make up for the ratings they’ll be losing on the debate.

The crew at Fox probably should have read The Art of the Deal, they would have discovered how Trump likes to use leverage. Or at least they should have watched a few episodes of The Apprentice where they would have discovered that he loves to fire people.

The Trump haters will be relishing what they consider Trump’s latest childish tantrum butt they just don’t get it.  The Donald just demonstrated how you make America great again: you simply don’t take crap from anybody. So pay attention Putin, Xi Jinping, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei; payback is hell,


- and President Trump likes nothing better than payback.

I’ll be totally out of pocket today so consider this an open thread.




You’ve Been Trumped


blog_trump_cardFox News, you’ve just been Trumped

Love him or hate him you’ve got to admire The Donald’s style. It’s not like he hasn’t made it perfectly clear: if you eff with him he will eff with you.

So when Fox put out a pre-debate snarky comment about Trump yesterday:

"We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

he pulled out of the debate. Well played: who needs to hear from all these guys again anyway when there’s only 3 real contenders and what new do they have to say anyway? The debates are now more for the benefit of the media than the voters. And Fox gave The Donald the perfect excuse to decline to participate by making it more about Fox News in general rather than Megyn Kelly in particular.

Plus he’ll be holding a competing event that will benefit veterans and wounded warriors. Maybe Fox can cover that too, to make up for the ratings they’ll be losing on the debate.

The crew at Fox probably should have read The Art of the Deal, they would have discovered how Trump likes to use leverage. Or at least they should have watched a few episodes of The Apprentice where they would have discovered that he loves to fire people.

The Trump haters will be relishing what they consider Trump’s latest childish tantrum butt they just don’t get it.  The Donald just demonstrated how you make America great again: you simply don’t take crap from anybody. So pay attention Putin, Xi Jinping, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei; payback is hell,


- and President Trump likes nothing better than payback.

I’ll be totally out of pocket today so consider this an open thread.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bad Water and Wedgies

It’s hard to get the truth on anything from anybody anymore. Take the Flint, Michigan water crisis: now we know the rest of the story.


Here is the Cliff notes version:

 The Flint water crisis is the result of a Keynesian stimulus project gone wrong.

Who could have figured that switching to a parallel water pipeline being built by a private company might actually cost more than staying with the Detroit water system?

Documents that have just resurfaced show that the then DWSD Director Susan McCormick presented two alternatives to Emergency Manager Ed Kurtz that slashed rates for Flint by nearly 50 percent, something that made Detroit far more competitive compared to the KWA deal. "The cliff notes version," she said in an internal e-mail to her staff, is that the "proposal offers a today rate of water for Flint/Genesee of $10.46 as compared to $20.00 paid currently per Mcf—48% less that could be realized nearly immediately and even more when compared to the increases coming with KWA." In fact, when compared over the 30-year horizon, the DWSD proposal saves $800 million or 20% over the KWA proposal, she pointed out.

And that was before the quantum ineptitude of local government resulted in a water supply that looked like this:


Butt our government overlords always know what’s better for them us. And you know - INFRASTRUCTURE! We need more of that. Seriously, read the whole thing.

All of which demonstrates why the only cure for this governmental quagmire is Bernie Sanders – the only candidate advocating for more government than Dear Leader.

And since I’m handing out reading assignments you might enjoy the Z Man’s take on The Donald phenom Jocks & Nerds:

The public is looking for the candidate that can fix the issues of greatest concern to them. They look around and feel like guests in their own country. The two parties want to spend all of their time debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, while millions of foreigners pour over the border. I suspect most Trump supporters would like a better candidate, but they will go with Trump if that means addressing their top concerns.

…I see two camps. In one camp are those having fun watching their guy give wedgies to the nerds. For the first time in a long time, they feel like the guy running for office knows something about their life. The other camp is in shock, believing that if they just huddle closer together, the storm will pass. (h/t: Larwyn’s Linx)


That’s all for today, carry on troops.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowzilla: That’s Mighty White of You

Snowzilla took the entire eastern seaboard down.

snowzilla eats new york

Les Nessman reported the breaking news:

(H/T: Jonah Goldberg.)

Barry used the anthropogenic climate disaster to take a little time off from his usual Sunday work day to appear on CBS' "Sunday Morning" where he revealed that - rumors to the contrary - he didn’t plan on running for a third term.

Because A) he’s tired: 


President Barack Obama says he wouldn't run for a third term even if he could. He says the presidency takes a toll on family life, and the office "should be continually renewed by new energy and new ideas."

B) he’s already done everything:


Obama tells CBS' "Sunday Morning" that he's not yearning for a third term is because he's confident that things are lot better in the United States than when he came into office.

C) it’s cramping his style.


obama-breakfast of champions waffles“I just want to eat my waffle”

Obama says the thing that makes him happiest about his presidency ending next January is a chance to get out of what he calls the "the bubble." That's what he calls the tight security controls over his travels outside the White House.

He said dealing with the bubble is "the hardest thing about the presidency." 

Obama CoffinsReally?

Then he lamented the increased polarization in the country:

The one thing that gnaws on me, is the degree of continued polarization. It's gotten worse over the last several years…


I wonder how that happened.

And now back to 24/7 coverage of the whitest storm to ever hit the east coast.


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

In Obama Land, The Future Is Certain, It’s History That Changes. FORWARD.

It’s official: the blizzard of ‘16 is historic. Like so many other things in the age of Obama.

snow history

Of course history isn’t what it used to be. Historical revisionism, also known as “negationism” and  “historiography” in the old USSR, makes it easier to get your message out. For example, who could forget BHO’s “bio-bombing” of presidential history:

In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett

Butt as long as we do it with good intentions what differencve at this point does it make? Hence we will shortly eliminate the Confederacy from the Civil War and the Constituiton from the founding of the United States.


Because as the old joke goes “In the Soviet Union, the future is always certain; it is the past that is always changing.”

And don’t think it’s just history; art is subject to revisionism too, as James Lileks discovered while attending the Art of Rebellion exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art Museum. The show’s catalog asks “How can we bring equality to history?”

The sentiments behind the thought were so self-evidently correct that no one stopped to think how bizarre that sounds. At the most facile reading, it suggests that history should be rearranged to reflect not what happened, but what should have happened if modern values were transposed on the past.

Ha ha! Modern “values” – surely a top contender for oxymoron of the decade - so far. Any hoo, once you start asking how we can “bring equality to history” you’ve pretty much validated Francis Fukuyama’s premise that hisory is dead. Along with the rest of Western Civilization. And if you don’t believe me, check out this newest hipster hair trend for men: man braids.  Although to be fair some people attribute this not to the end of Western Civilization butt rather “too much estrogen in the drinking water.” Which when you think about it might be the same thing.

 man braid

You probably can’t rely on this new breed to clear the snow from the walks, so you might as well get out there and do it yourself.

dad's snow plow

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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