I see we’re wrapping up our 8 year tour of duty exactly the same way we launched it: with a taxpayer funded tour of several national parks out west. This time Barry warned that unless we do something about global warming, there will be no more National Parks! Recalling the first time he saw a moose in Yosemite,

he said it changed him forever. Good argument against moose on the loose if you ask me.
Anyway, I thought it might be fun to “reflect” back over the years and see how much we’ve all “changed” since that first “short” trip to the Grand Canyon in 2009 – back when I was more concerned with trans-images than transformations and trans-gendering:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Well I just heard about our little jaunt out west next weekend. It sure would be nice if someone could give me a little more notice on these out-of-the-beltway trips. For one thing, it takes awhile to adjust all of my internal nano-opticals to compensate for the refraction of the direct overhead solar light we will be experiencing in the Grand Canyon. And the geysers at Yellowstone will require an additional de-humidifying sensor.
And lord knows what MO will be packing for such hot weather fun. I’m just hoping she’s not going with the halter tops again, because honestly, they can be challenging. And after the burger, fries and shake stop on Thursday and the Gelato stop yesterday, well, I’m just saying…
Not that I’m particularly thrilled about going out west, but it does present some interesting professional challenges. For example, I’ve never been required to trans-image a real cow before.
And making Lady M look more awesome than the Grand Canyon? That, my friend, if I can pull it off, might just land me in Hollywood. My cousin Madge, who works as a trans-imaging add-on for a lot of big time studio cameras (she’s worked on shoots of Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Simpson, Cameron Diaz and, recently, Sharon Stone) gave me a couple of boiler-plate contracts to bring along, just in case.
And then, the actual trip:
Monday, August 17, 2009
OMG! The Grand Canyon is so awesome! I barely had to turn on my trans-imaging CGI (computer graphics interface, for you Luddites) to get the effect Lady M was going for on this trip. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needs much help making their butt look tiny in comparison to this mega-saurus canyon.

If you’ve never been here, it’s hard to imagine the sheer magnitude of this miles-wide and nearly bottomless chasm. Let’s just say it’s nearly big enough to contain BO’s ego.
But about those short-shorts: I certainly hope MO doesn’t plan on wearing them any where else.

Goodness, look at how young little Sasha was! Some of us have changed a lot more than others.
Still grazin’ in the grass
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