I thought it was nice of Chelsea Clinton to stick up for Barron Trump:
Unfortunately poor Chels probably relates all to well to being picked on as the progeny of the President. Especially since she too arrived in the White House during her, shall we say…awkward years.
But let’s not get distracted. Not now when things are decidedly looking up.
Let’s stay upbeat. After all, if Hilz had won there would be no Melania to lighten the load.
Nor would there be the lovely first daughter Ivanka, gorgeous to gaze upon even makeup free - as she is here, taking a selfie with a fan last weekend.
Instead we would have Hillary, shrieking at us every day from her bully pulpit as her creepy flesh made our skin crawl.
And then there would be first daughter Chelsea – well, imagine her going makeup free from time to time…and we’d have to see it.
Honestly, life is so not fair. But thank you, God, for not subjecting us to a harridan president who would spend all of her time and our money trying to make it so. In the full Socialist sense.
*Except for our rulers, and our would-be rulers.
I think Hillary should pack it up and head for Venezuela; they could use a new socialist president. And they’ve already got all that ‘social justice’ thing going on so it should be snap.
Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!