Hooray! We made it to FLOTUS Friday!
And what a FLOTUS week it’s been. First the bait and switch move enroute to Houston:
AKA “Bait the Press.” It’s got to be the oldest trick in the book but Deep State Media falls for it ever time, and heads explode…every time. Like Jim Treacher, I Can Remember When Mocking FLOTUS’ Clothes Was Racist. Now it’s considered a public service.
Anyway, this newfound foot fetish certainly wasn’t on display during the previous administration. (Trigger warning) In the dark ages ( “racist!”) all FLOTUS footwear was duly noted, universally approved and the price ignored. You may review my partial dossier on the former FLOTUS’ footwear collection below for corroboration. I needn’t mention the official inaugural footwear that officially began the collection; they came to be known affectionately around these parts as the “poop green” Cinderella slippers – so I’ll spare you. I next documented the FFC (FLOTUS Footwear Collection) with this pair of weird lovelies way back in 2009: Half-shoeless and Totally Clueless
Butt* these were followed by many, many more. I present a partial collection of footwear DSM did not consider inappropriate. First, the pumps:
The flats and sneakers:
and Jack boots:
And dress Jack boots:
Any of which were preferable to the barefoot:
So I say let the FLOTUS games begin. I will go out on a limb and give the Mario Batali Crocs award to Lady M…
and everything else goes to the lovely Melania:
* Remember, double tee ‘butts’ are always welcome on FLOTUS Fridays
Linked By: Thomas Lifson @ American Thinker, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!