Be sure to check Melania’s Twitter feed account for a series of videos recapping her rather spectacular Asian trip.
The trip apparently awakened editors at many publications to the fact that many Americans enjoyed reading about the FLOTUS even though she isn’t black anymore.
In fact stories are suddenly springing up everywhere about anything…and nothing:
It's Melania 2.0, as Mrs. Trump Iterates in Asia - The New York Times
Inside First Lady Melania Trump's mysterious life - Business Insider
Melania and Donald Trump's Stale Wedding Cake Is Up for Auction - Vanity Fair
Melania Trump breaks away from her husband in crucial ways - Markets Insider
Hervé Pierre, who designed Melania Trump's inauguration gown, launches dress line - Washington Post
It seems they’ve finally noted that Michelle Obama wasn’t the only FLOTUS who has ever interacted with children.
And that those interactions don’t always have to involve vegetables….
nor are all children in America minorities.
Now stock up on the popcorn and hope that this weekend brings us more videos of Al Franken in his Franken-pig days as well as videos from the Uranium One informant showing the exchange of suitcases containing stacks of money.
Stop wondering why you weren’t 50 points ahead and wonder why you’re not behind bars
Linked By: American Digest, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!