Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Work From Home, Send Money

The list of things you can’t talk about over Thanksgiving dinner is growing by the day - everything from Donald Trump’s tweets to  Donald Trump’s policies. The idea is to avoid anything that might trigger the social justice warriors in your family.

I’ve got a better idea, how about all you social justice warriors out there who want to save the world stay home and think about how you can do that. Better yet, try actually making the world a better place and head down to the soup kitchen to help out.  Oh wait – they don’t want you either. Apparently, just like in real life, if you have no idea what you’re doing you just get in the way of those who do.

Dawn Goodrow, director of the East Side Soup Kitchen in Saginaw, said they get an influx of one-time volunteers during the holidays.

"The only issue is that we have regular volunteers that know their way around our kitchen, know how we do the processes."

So I’m back to “just stay home,” but you could donate your Thanksgiving dinner plate-charge to the homeless shelter. They always appreciate your cash.

"The best donation is cold hard cash. We have opportunities to purchase food at a greater value than what the average person can donate," Goodrow said.

In summary then: work from home, send money. And be sure to thank the government for your opportunity to help out again this year.


SPECIAL NOTE: Please keep our Blue Dog JettieG in your prayers. Sadly, we received word last night via Weasel Zippers that she is in hospice care.

Washington Blue Dog

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!