Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tax Reform, Trump Style: Making America Great Again

With one piece of hard-won legislation President Trump has kept many of his campaign promises, not the least of which was to Make America Great Again.

trump maga

After nearly a decade of stagnant economic growth, this historic tax overhaul will restore America’s position as the center of the world’s global economy. – Fox

Let’s review what Trump’s Tax Bill accomplished.

  • Reduced everyone’s tax rate: GREAT!
    • After nearly a decade of stagnant economic growth, this historic tax overhaul will restore America’s position as the center of the world’s global economy. - Fox
  • Reduced corporate tax rates so much that even Europe is bleating that it will give the U.S. an economic advantage (as if that’s a bad thing).GREAT!
    • Which means that Europeans will be creating American jobs…It is hard to understand how the Democrats can deny basic economic realities that European economists regard as virtually self-evident.
  • The tax rate changes immediately resulted in companies announcing year-end bonuses, salary increases and additional hiring. That’s right: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! GREAT!

cheese make america grate again

  • Opened ANWR to drilling again in order to help make America energy independent, despite the fact the Left thinks that is a bad thing.  And I guess it must be, since Robert Redford said so. GREAT!
  • Effectively gutted Obamacare by repealing the Individual Mandate – causing the Left to alternately sputter between outrage and denial. GREAT!
    • This important legislation also includes a critical provision to give Americans greater choice when it comes to their health insurance coverage by repealing ObamaCare’s onerous and punitive individual mandate tax – knocking down a major pillar of what has proven to be an unworkable and unpopular law…Across party lines, the American people agree – by 63 percent – that the individual mandate tax is a bad idea.

In summary then:

tony happy danceIt’s Grrrreat!

What next? I predict we just keep on winning. It’s kind of addicting.  trump winning will resume tomorrow

“We passed this tax overhaul for future generations. America’s young people will see the economic benefits for years, in the form of faster economic growth, higher wages, more jobs and the beginning of the end of ObamaCare. This is a remarkable achievement.” – Orin Hatch

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!