Hey Hollywood Elite, # NeverTrumpers and Snowflakes United: are you boycotting the Inauguration? Need an “Inaugural Survival Guide?” Then I’ve got just the place for you; come to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City! I promise you’ll feel at home and will be entertained with all the politically correct and anti-American movies you can stomach.
The inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump is January 20, 2017 — which is also the first full day of the Sundance Film Festival. That’s already inspired multiple festival attendees to discuss how they might arrange marches or protests, and now the festival has gone on the record to say that they will help connect any group who wishes to demonstrate with Park City so they can effectively organize.
“As an arts organization that supports freedom of speech and empowering the individual voice, we always look to create a safe space for artists and will facilitate requests from outside groups that want to host demonstrations at our 2017 Festival by connecting them with the city of Park City, Utah to organize,” a rep for the festival told The Hollywood Reporter. – Indiewire
Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Sequel opens the festival tonight anD as with his first Sundance spectacular - An Inconvenient Truth – it is intended to once again sound the alarm about the impending environmental disaster that he told us 11 years ago would be here by now. It’s guaranteed to win a second Oscar for this Hollywood Eco-guru.

Gore’s film, full title An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is by no means the only environmental propaganda film this year:
Additionally, festival director John Cooper said that the lineup’s push for more environmental films was partly in response to the global warming crisis as well as those who continually devalue the issue.
“Over the last couple of years, we saw a lack of environmental films being made, and these are topics affecting us all,” he said. “This is one of Robert Redford’s personal fights. We got a lot of films this year [tackling the issue], and it all worked out. When people are questioning, ‘Is it real?,’ we have plenty of examples that tell the story in complete and complex ways.”
Let the record reflect that one of the most “complex ways” to tell the story is through fake news aka “lies” outside of D.C. and Hollywood.
And lest we all forget, one of Hollywood’s primary role is to normalize the abnormal (by definition). So once again the festival will be awash in what they themselves categorize as “Queer” films: 10 Reasons Why This Year’s Festival Is Essential for Queer Cinema. The queer films, filmmakers, and talent everyone will be talking about in 2017.
Trust me there’s something there for you no matter where you fall on the LGBTQIA spectrum. Please don’t ask me to explain, butt you’re free to check out the “Around the World in 80 Gays” offerings yourself.
So like I said, if you’re looking for a save space this Inaugural weekend come to Sundance. For everyone else, well, giddy-up cowboy!

We’re going to Make America Great Again!
Note for Snowflakes coming to PC: Be sure to bring your mukluks; global warming hasn’t found us yet.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!