MOTUS A.D. hit a big milestone a little while ago: 10 million hits on StatCounter. There’s no prize associated with this event of course but that’s a lot!
The blog was originally created to channel my angst and foreboding about the fundamental transformation of America; I surely didn’t envision being here, with all of you, 8 years hence fighting the same fight, against the same embedded corruptocrats. At least now we have our own leader to help take our country back.

So give yourselves a big round of applause:

We’ve done good! Whether you are a charter member, signed up somewhere along the path to reclamation or are a relatively new recruit we have become a family of kindred souls committed to staying the course and guide this ship of state away from the shoals.
But as summer rapidly approaches and StatCounter languidly rolls along like old man river, I need to take a bit of a break. Long timers will recognize this as my irregular Summer Sabbatical in which I generally post just a picture, a thought of the day or a drive-by shot across somebody’s bow and leave the commentary up to you, Dear Readers.
This break has become mandatory as the chores don’t do themselves around here, the half-done projects do not resolve on their own and the new maintenance projects seem to multiply like rabbits.

Unfortunately the upkeep requirements of the aging manor house accelerate just as the aging Lord and Lady of the manor themselves grow older and slower. So the long and short of it is I need to spend less time blogging and more time maintaining.
Scheduled Maintenance Throughout the Summer
Accordingly, I’m not shuttering the shop, just cutting back on my hours a bit in order to tend to other business. The posts will be shorter, mixed with some open threads and/or re-posts from the MOTUS deep vault of golden oldies. And I won’t be checking in throughout the day as regularly as I normally do.
So I’m calling on the MOTI (MOL, MOD and FOM) to carry the load around here for the summer - with all the wit, snark and je ne sais quoi we’ve come to expect from each other. Also, if you could continue to perform troll patrol in my absence I’d appreciate it as well.
In the meantime, while Trump continues to clean up the swamp, Raj and I will be cleaning up and fixing up everything that’s falling apart closer to home.

So Carry On Troops! I Know You Can Do It!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!