Eater, a food and restaurant review blog, is pretty much thumbs down on Chick-fil-A.

Not that they have anything against their food, it’s their lack of SJW credentials, their failure to conform to correct group-think with respect to same sex marriage that earned them the distinction of being voted off the food island.
I’m here to report that the increasingly ubiquitous chain serves a pretty good fast-food breakfast, a pretty great frozen coffee, and a pretty average chicken sandwich.
I’m also here to report that it’s the only top 10 quick-service restaurant that doesn’t mention sexual orientation in its online equal opportunity statement, and that it holds a zero rating on LGBT benefits and worker protections from a prominent advocacy group. McDonald’s scored 100.
Or as Twitchy noted at the time,
The website “Eater” reviewed Chick-fil-A and came to the conclusion that “you probably shouldn’t eat” at the restaurant because of the company(‘s) “unpalatable baggage.” Got that? Christian now equals “unpalatable baggage.”
Dave Burge suggested that Eater might want to make inquiries into other food establishments as well:
Of course kabab/shwarma joints are free to lie about their real beliefs so it may not prove to be useful research.
But back to Chick-fil-A: it would be that same Christian “baggage” that causes their franchises to remain steadfastly closed on Sundays, a lucrative revenue day, because it is the Lord’s day.
And that would be the same Christian “baggage” that caused them to call in workers yesterday (SUNDAY!) to feed thousands of stranded passengers at Atlanta’s Hartfield-Jackson airport who had absolutely no idea where their baggage might be.

So while Starbucks remains committedly non-denominational in its celebration of Winter Holidays,
Starbucks Christmas Past - and Present
Chick-fil-A will continue to celebrate the reason for the season with abandon.

If there is a Chick-fil-A anywhere near you, that is reason enough to enjoy a celebratory lunch today.

Tis the season to be jolly, not gay. But feel free to don your gay apparel.
Linked By: Reddit/Mrs_Fonebone, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!