Friday, March 30, 2018

#FOTUSFRIDAY: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Remember in the way-back machine when any article less than outright adulation was termed a “hatin’ on” FLOTUS story?  The mood has clearly switched as we are now treated to one salacious article after another on our FLOTUS, POTUS and their “strained” relationship. But Melania, being a classy lady, just keeps soldiering on in her Christian Louboutins:


Always managing to look absolutely mahvelous.

melania looking mahvelous

Still, she gets sucked into the MSM’s farce-of the day - from PDJT’s alleged trysts to the it-boy-of-the-year’s spats with Fox News anchors who dared tweet about his tweets whining about getting rejected by 4 universities despite his sterling credentials. So when David Hogg called for a boycott of Laura Ingraham’s sponsors his baby sister Lauren, who clearly idolizes her derp brother,


joined the fray by trying to tweak Melania:

hogg cyberbullyin

I don’t know about our FLOTUS, but I have a comment: How would you and your pipsqueak brother like it if WE all boycotted YOUR sponsors?

march for our livesBrought to you by the people who will never, ever, let a good crisis go to waste

A Good Friday Side Note: McCabe Lied Four Times. He’s worse than Judas.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!