Wednesday, April 18, 2018

“We’re Going To Need a Bigger Porn Star”

Future historians will look back on the early 21st century and tag the development of the Twitter platform as the final nail in the coffin of civilized speech. It turns out that enabling people to empty their mind at the same speed with which they can empty their digestive tract produces essentially the same product. 

Submitted as evidence, tweets from Randa Jarrar, Trigglypuff Palestinian/American Professor - currently employed by the English department at Fresno State - commenting on the death of Barbara Bush:

randaRanna Jaffra, Trigglypuff Professor of Fiction, Fresno State University, in one of signature poses

Oh whoops, apparently Triggly took her twitter account down overnight. But as you know, nothing really disappears from the Internet.  Here’s part of what she had to say yesterday:

randa 1aranda 1bhatin' on barbara

She had a LOT more to say, including why she felt free to exercise her First Amendment Right without worrying about consequences.  – this may be the one that explains why all of her tweets are gone today.

randa profThere is truly no end to the hate from the left. And as long as I’m talking about the left and tweets, here’s a tweet concerned with the way President Trump is pursuing North Korea denuclearization; apparently they’re concerned now because he’s not doing it right:

trump not doing it right

I swear, the Liberal Media are going to turn themselves into butter one of these days.


fresno profProfessor Triggly Jarrar: Can we boycott her? 

And just in case - in a triumph of justice Trumping™ tenure - Triggly loses her job, I think I know where she can get a new gig:

porn star

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!