Tuesday, December 11, 2018

And the Time “Person” of the Year Is…

Time Magazine is about to announce its “Person of the Year” and the suspense is palpable.

As a reminder, last year’s “person” of the year was #MeToo, whoever that is. This year’s short list of contenders include President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, special counsel Robert Mueller, Christine Blasey Ford, Jamal Khashoggi, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Meghan Markle, March For Our Lives gun reform activists (Hogg boy), and "Black Panther" screenwriter and director Ryan Coogler - but all the smart money is on the contender designated as  “families separated at the border” (by the evil American President).

separated families

I guess I could go along with the “families separated at the border” designation as long as it includes American families that have been permanently separated.



SteinleParentsSanchez20150708_101352_SJM-STEINLE-07XX-05-1brandon mary mendoza

The Steinle family, the Mendoza family

jamiel shaw jrmollie tibbetsrosenbergpic

the Jamiel Shaw family, the Molly Tibbetts family, the Drew Rosenberg family

root nebraskaand the Sarah Root family

Stolen Lives Quilt TX Gonzalez-countryman-OffJohnson

and a host of other families, too numerous to list, torn apart from their loved ones by the actions of illegal aliens.

Agent Brian Terry1The Brian Terry family

Surely they deserve to be noted by Time magazine as being families separated at the border too.

But we can’t build a wall,

pelosi meme_thumb[1]

because that would be “immoral, ineffective and expensive,” three things that have never stopped a Democrat initiative in the past.