We literally blew into Cheyenne last night. Wyoming never disappoints but yesterday was one of their epic High Wind Alert days, complete with Interstate closures to “light high-profile vehicles.” I’m not positive exactly what sort of vehicle that is but I’m pretty sure empty semi-tractor trailers qualify as you always see a few of them flipped over on the side of the road when the wind socks are flying parallel.
It was also inauguration day for Mark Gordon, Wyoming’s new governor. We should have known something was up as all the hotel rates were hyper-inflated. Another clue: when we checked in the lobby was filled with tuxedos and cocktail gowns.
Still, this was hardly the shindig an inauguration is in other states. It started with the swearing in ceremony early yesterday morning:
No, Governor Mark Gordon was not acting in solidarity with France’s "Gilets Jaunes" – although for some reason gas prices are about 30 cents higher here than any other state we’ve been through on this trip. Apparently the state capital building has been closed for renovations for over 3 years and safety restrictions required the vests. This is a bigger story than you might initially think: if the halls of government in Wyoming can be closed for over 3 years with no major complaints I think Washington better sit up and take notice. “Essential” employees might not mean what they think it means.
Other oddities associated with yesterday’s inaugural: the day started with a prayer service at Saint Mark's Episcopal Church. The newly minted governor took communion in his cowboy boots:
Based on the hem in his slacks I’m going to venture a guess that he was not wearing a bespoke suit.
Don’t ask: I don’t know, I just notice these things.
The inaugural ball was held at the Little America ballroom, the swankiest place in town now that the historic Plains Hotel closed down. The new Guv sabered a bottle of champagne,
Wyoming style: with a Bowie knife.