Bernie Sanders hit the campaign trail last week. In between rants about President Trump he was busy defending his Millionaire Democratic Socialist status:
"I didn't know it was a crime to write a good book, which turned out to be a best-seller,” the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate told a crowd in Gary, Indiana.
“If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too,” he told the newspaper.
Better yet, get an unrepentant terrorist to ghost write it for you and you can be President!
If I may, I’d like to add a tag-a-long to Bernie’s millionaire humble-brag: I didn’t know it was a crime to build a real estate portfolio either. Even if it turns out to be an empire. In fact, “if you build an empire, you can be a billionaire, too.”
This is America, after all. I note that Bernie doesn’t take exception to that when he’s the one benefiting from our economic system. The rest of the time he continues to yap about everyone else paying his fair share.
I think Bernie is the perfect Democratic Socialist candidate.