The Jemez Valley Alley has been doing its part to save journalism in the age of fake news. This is a screen shot of page 1 that Raj took. Then he combined the other 7 pages of the first edition into one pdf, uploaded it to the interweb and created a link to the whole paper. Btw, we are on the road, heading to the Rocky Mountain bunker. We stopped n Des Moines last night enroute to Park City. So far so good. Say a little prayer, the next 2 days are usually the worst.
Now I give you without further adieu The Jemez Valley Alley page one of its first publication, with a link to the other 7 pages. Thanks JVA, America needs more patriots and journalists like you – people who don’t really hate America doing real news. Keep up the good work.
Click to Download The Whole Paper
Alternate Link If Scribd Doesn’t Work For You
Big congratulations JVA! Very few people can say they’ve published a news paper, fewer still can say they’ve published one that tells the truth.