Monday, January 27, 2020

America’s Philosopher Laureate Writes a Book

Steele yourself: the endgame is in sight. 

The Steele dossier was a hoax. Russia was a hoax. Quid pro quo is chicanery. Climate change hysteria is a hoax. All of them lies and fabrications spread organically with alacrity and growing lethalness, not unlike the Coronavirus, another pestilence that, while not a hoax, is quite likely a coverup.

But take heart.

The Democrats’ dream team is about to suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of their arch-enemy on the floor of the Senate.

As for the rest, well, Homer has that covered as well:

According to The D'oh! of Homer you might call it nature’s quid pro quo.

Homer didn’t become America’s Philosopher Laureate without writing a book you know.