“It was characteristic of the Jazz Age that it had no interest in politics at all. It was an age of miracles, it was an age of art, it was an age of excess, and it was an age of satire.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, writing about the Twenties in 1931
This year Throwback Thursdays will be dedicated to a look back at how we have changed – or not – during the past century.
First I would update Fitzgerald’s quote for the Roaring Twenties of the 21st century:
“It was characteristic of the Jazzed Age that it had no interest at all other than politics. It was an age of miracles, it was an age of pseudo-art, it was an age of excess and it was the end of satire.”
It’s scary if you allow yourself to reflect too long: all of the excess, decadence and modernity, but none of the fun. And this time instead of bathtub gin and bootlegged liquor it’s fueled by both legal booze AND weed!
What could possibly go wrong?
I strongly suspect this century’s Roaring Twenties will, once again, be chalked up as the Decade Dedicated to Making Better Mistakes Tomorrow.
‘No throat irritation or cough’ but your lungs? Toasted.
Throat irritation, check, lung irritation, check, cough, check, brain…toasted