Saturday, February 15, 2020

No Matter What: Nothing’s Gonna Change My World-View

“There are facts, and there are beliefs, and there are things you want so badly to believe that they become as facts to you.”

And here I thought the science was settled; now this: Scientists say solar system affects Earth’s carbon cycle.

Image result for solar system effect

What’s up with that?

"Our work shows that for the 18 million years or so in between the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction and the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event, Earth's global carbon cycle was in a constant state of change. Periodic changes in the shape of Earth's orbit around the sun impacted on the amount of energy received by Earth from the sun, which in turn impacted climatic and environmental processes, as well as the carbon cycle, on local, regional and global scales."

Energy…from the sun influenced the what!? “Climatic processes…” and the *shudder* “carbon cycle”!!?

Huh, and I thought that was the exclusive realm of coal, cars and cows.

Across shorter timescales, tectonic shifts and the eruption of large igneous provinces look like the primary drivers of shifts in Earth's climate. These factors work to drive the planet's carbon cycle, researchers of the new study said, but when Earth's carbon cycle is examined across larger timescales, the influence of larger planetary processes is revealed.

Well now, where does that leave us, not to mention all the Democratic presidential candidates? Are they now admitting that they shut down coal-fired power generation plants for nothing? That I don’t have to walk, bike or take public transportation to work? And that I can keep my plastic straws? Don’t be silly. In perhaps one of the best example of how true believers deal with cognitive dissonance climate warmists, like all true believers when faced with facts completely contrary to their belief, will double down.

According to the latest analysis, ancient carbon-cycle patterns suggest Earth today should be cooling. However, the influence of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions has overpowered the influence of the cosmos on Earth's carbon cycle, causing Earth to rapidly warm.

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Or in this case refuses to fall apart, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Image result for earth's carbon cycle cows cars coal

But that’s okay, you just keep on believing whatever you need to believe, solar system denier. I know I can’t change your mind so I’ll just dedicate today’s song to all you Global Warmists out there who are suffering from CCD (Climate Cognitive Dissonance) and I pray a cure will be discovered soon.

This is a great cover version, performed by Rufus Wainwright and featuring an impossibly young Dakota Fanning…where do the years go? Oh yes – “Across The Universe"

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Life tip: let the balloon go.