Rules are for the little people and by any objective measure George Stephanopoulos would qualify as a little person.
But Georgie’s chosen profession and affiliations automatically granted him ‘elite’ status – the equivalent of adding a foot to his diminutive chassis.
George Stephanopoulos: Senior political advisor to Bill Clinton, Democrat operative at ABC News and charter member of Ezra Klein’s JournoList.
So normally he’d get a pass for not following rules others are expected to adhere to. But apparently this is not the case when it comes to the Wuhan Cooties – or the Hamptons, where there currently are no actual little people because none of the places they work are open. In their absence the natives have begun eating their own.
One outraged witness said Stephanopoulos — who announced he tested positive for the virus last week after his wife, Ali Wentworth, contracted it — was seen leaving his Hamptons home in a pair of shorts and walking for about a mile along East Hampton lanes, with his mask down the entire time.
The witness said, “For somebody who reports on the pandemic every day, and is broadcasting guidelines about safe social distancing, George didn’t really seem to care.
“He was on his own, walking through the lanes and past East Hampton Guild Hall, on his cellphone the whole time, yakking with his mask around his neck.
“He tested positive, his wife tested positive, why can’t he follow the local mandates to wear a mask in public, why can’t he just stay home?” – Page Six
Funny, his inconsiderate behavior and lack of concern for others seemed to surprise no one other than other elites.
“I find your lack of concern disturbing”