Let me see if I’ve got this right: the party that has spent the past 12 years haranguing everyone about race and “a woman’s right to choose” is about to embark on the arduous task of disqualifying a woman nominated to the Supreme Court…for choosing life and adopting 2 black children from Haitian orphanages?
Yes, it appears I have it exactly right.
It’s both odd and concerning how “free speech” and “tolerance” have devolved in America to the point where only certain viewpoints are deemed worthy of protection and then only if held by the “right” people. Mixed race families are revered only if they are “small-ish” families and even then only if they are liberal households…or TV commercials. “Choice” is only a woman’s right if they choose correctly and “no” is the most generally acceptable choice. “Faith” is okay as long as you don’t express it any meaningful way and even then only if you’re liberal first and “Catholic” - like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi or Jewish like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Chuck Schumer - second.
So expect another spectacle of intolerance as the Amy Coney Barrett hearings unfold. She, and most likely her husband, will be attacked for her views on abortion, her faith and apparently her family. Both its size:
Her name is Amy Coney Barrett, and she'll be on the Supreme Court https://t.co/WER7dMEm1J
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 19, 2018
As well as it’s makeup:
So much for keeping the children out of politics.
The Left – they simply never disappoint.
Disgusting display of White Privilege: they must be destroyed and the Left is more than willing to facilitate that objective