Guilty: Amy Comey Barrett
Offense: the use of “outdated and offensive” terminology
Specifics: She failed to use the Left’s new politically correct term of “sexual orientation” using instead the term Joe Biden prefers (ha!): “sexual preference.”
Wow. When Wikipedia can’t even keep up with Progressive Word Choice Preferences, we’ve got a problem.
I’m quite certain Wikipedia has updated this “outdated and offensive” entry by now.
Here’s the Left’s real problem with “sexual preference,” it implies your sexuality is a choice (something the Left is all in favor of when talking women's “reproductive rights”) and if you have a “choice” that implies you cannot be a victim. And we all know how the Left loves, and needs, its victims. Ergo: “sexual orientation” – not a “choice.”
My question: where does this leave all of those “gender fluid” people who seem to make “sexual preference” orientation choices on a daily basis?
No wonder these peeps are confused, Newspeak keeps shifting on them.
So there you are: Amy Comey Barrett is guilty, further crimes to be revealed today.