Monday, October 5, 2020

Wheels Up

Against all odds – if Democrats are to be believed – we’ve made it to the The First Monday in October. The Supreme Court, one justice short, will convene its new session.

This year at the Supreme Court: Gay rights, gun rights and Native rights

There’s much work to be done before November 3rd: a new justice to confirm, a sea change to navigate,

Steven Getman: The Supreme Court starts on the first Monday in October

and a yuge election to win. It’s going to be a busy month.

WHAT'S UP? October 2020 Skywatching Tips From NASA... | Weather Blog |

While it seems we have plenty of time, stay on your toes. It will go by in the blink of an eye.

Maybe that’s why we’re getting an extra, rare, blue moon this month.

So wheels up Team America! We’ve got a VSG President to re-elect. And getting ACB confirmed is part of the pre-flight check.

P.S. Also against all odds, our 74 year old (obese, if you believe the Left) President got the Chinese Corona Virus, is responding to treatment and seems to be doing well enough to go home today.

This could be the Democrats worst nightmare.