One Thing That Has Gone Wrong In America Is The General Acceptance Of Bad Ham. – Jim Harrison
Fact. And the worst of these bad hams are on the political stage.

Before continuing I should stipulate to the following: I am neither a misogynist nor a racist. I don’t find Kamala Harris despicable because she’s a woman, nor because she’s black-ish.

Rather, it’s because she’s an unprincipled opportunist and a liar, among her many other unseemly characteristics.

If you had a visceral, negative reaction to Kamala’s performance last night it’s most likely because she reminded you of someone you really, really don’t like. Her acting style – from the same studio and coach as Michelle’s I would suggest – produces an easily recognized, dislikable character we’ve all known somewhere.
She’s the disloyal, backstabbing “friend,” the co-worker who lies about you to the boss, the drama queen who keeps things stirred up to deflect from her own shortcomings. We can’t wait to rid ourselves of the smirky, smarter-than-thou, abrasive, condescending, preachy, bitchy, friend, relative, spouse (most likely ex) or co-worker character.
Pro tip for the lefties: real Americans can spot the fake sincerity a mile out. We don’t buy the method acting expression of disingenuous concern: the theatrical furrowed brow, forlorn head shake, excitable bouncy-up-and-down-in-the-chair and breathless “concern voice” doesn’t play well in Middle America.
Congrats, you’ve got the bouncing up and down on your tail nailed

America, we don’t need any more bad ham.
Hi, I’m Kamala, and I’m a bad actor.
When going into big headwinds a big bear and a little piglet will serve you better than a couple of hams