But with this dynamic team leading us, we won’t be far behind:
Governor Gretchen’s Gals: AG Dana Nessel far left, GG and SoS Jocelyn Benson
They’re all making news this week: the Gov as she’s expected to extend the state lockdown - which includes restaurant and bar closures - through Christmas as the current ban expires tomorrow.
AG Nessel and wifey
In a now-deleted tweet, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel signaled the return of the War on Christmas after a store worker dared to tell her son, “Merry Christmas,” instead of the Joe Biden-approved slogan, “Happy Holidays.”
“I remember the first time I was at a store with my son and an employee said “Merry Christmas” to us. My son looked devastated as asked “Are we the only people who don’t celebrate Christmas?” I answered “No, and we are just as American as everyone else.”

According to Wikipedia – and they should know - Dana is the first openly LGBTQ person elected to statewide office in Michigan, and also the first Jew (who objects to being wished a Merry Christmas) elected Attorney General of Michigan.
It makes me want to go bake her some Christmas cookies.

And our Secretary of State was also in the news as a few dozen protestors showed up at the house of Wretched Gretchen’s third female honcho, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, to protest the state’s refusal to look into the obvious-to-anybody-who-looks voter fraud. She apparently doesn’t appreciate the intimidation tactics her side practically invented.
"I have always been an energetic advocate for the right and importance of peaceful protest as enshrined in the United States Constitution, however there is a line crossed when gatherings are done with the primary purpose of intimidation of public officials who are carrying out the oath of office they solemnly took as elected officials," Benson said in a statement Sunday night.
She went on to accuse all of us who question the fraudulent election results conspiracy theorists.
"Through blatantly false press releases, purely political legislative hearings, bogus legal claims and so called 'affidavits' that fail to allege any clear or cogent evidence of wrongdoing, those unhappy with the results of this election have perpetuated an unprecedented, dangerous, egregious campaign to erode the public’s confidence in the results of one of the most secure, accessible and transparent elections in our state’s history.
Merry Effing Xmas to you too Jocelyn
Because flipped votes and more ballots than registered voters means nothing.
Meanwhile thanks to one fair-minded judge the forensic check on the Dominion machines that flipped 6000 votes from Trump to Biden in one of Michigan’s reddest of red counties continues. It’s unclear if the machines have since been tampered with but we shall see.
And finally, I flipped the local news on very early this morning to catch the weather (cold and gray, again) and see that all anyone in Michigan is concerned with right now is the fact that Rudy Giuliani testified in Lansing last week without a mask and *gasp* exposed sooooo many people to the cooties! That’s a much bigger story than voter fraud don’t you know.
UPDATED TO ADD THIS FROM THE WAPO, which headlined it Armed protesters alleging voter fraud surrounded the home of Michigan’s secretary of state. I can’t confirm the “armed” part although I’m sure they were not brandishing or local news would be reporting that. I do know they did not “surround” her house as they were all out front. Of course words don’t mean anything anymore, they’re simply there to elicit emotional response so it doesn’t matter if any of this is factually correct.
I did enjoy this little gem however:
“They shouted baseless conspiracy theories about the election, and in videos uploaded to social media, at least one individual could be heard shouting ‘you’re murderers’ within earshot of her child’s bedroom,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) and Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy (D) said in a joint statement on Sunday. “This mob-like behavior is an affront to basic morality and decency.”
Good grief. Peaceful, if loud, protesting is mob-like behavior but burning, breaking and stealing is not.