The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Along that road you will come upon many trees.
The Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil among them
Some you will climb, some will provide you with fruit in season, some you will cut down for firewood or to build your house. And some will die due to lack of nutrients or water, or simply old age. But some you will return to time and time again: to seek it’s shade or simply to admire its form and stance upon the landscape.
Some people don’t grasp the value of a tree – oh they may see it and say ‘what a great tree’ – but they miss it’s point, its true merit. They think it’s deep roots a nuisance that get in the way when they wish to excavate, forgetting that they keep it strong and allow it to stand upright and steady in a storm. They either ignore or minimize the fact that it’s those very roots that allow the tree’s outstretched branches to offer shade from the scorching sun of summer and shelter in the dead of winter.
Look at all those little red hats perched in those snowy branches!
Yes, some people miss the point of trees altogether and choose simply to remove them as inconvenient obstacles standing in the way of building their progressive utopia; like their new suburb called “Maple Lawn” in memory of the maple trees that once grew there.
That’s essentially the difference between how conservatives see trees –
The Trump Tree – strong, proud leaning into the storm
And how liberals view trees.
Footnote: In the “Tree of Knowledge” vein and knowing that many of us believe Joey B when he says “this is going to be a dark winter” may I direct you to a great sale going on now at Great Courses.
Online download for $25 or DVD for $35 for many of the Great Courses offerings normally running between $250 – $350. Something for everyone! Sale is on through February 4th, and no it’s not a sponsored link, it’s just a great deal and I like some of their offerings. I think you might too: Great Courses Sale now through February 4th.