“Human beings are pattern-seeking animals who will prefer even a bad theory or a conspiracy theory to no theory at all.” - Christopher Hitchens
And that is precisely why, as Gary Hopkins tells us…
It’s been an interesting week - in the Chinese sense of the term.
Drip, drip, drip; certain facts began to ooze out from under the Colossal Covid Contravention. First, St. Fauci was revealed for the poison weasel sucking liar he is. Then certain people began to expose the Covid Cabal as nothing more than an elaborate plot designed to take Trump out. But remember: we’re the kooks here.
If you don’t mind the salty language Sarah Hoyt has an “I told you so” recap of the Covid Conspiracy of Confederates - Where We Are Now.
You have been EGREGIOUSLY lied to and abused for a year and a half. Are you going to believe them when they say this other stuff isn’t a thing? WHY?
You’re going to believe a single word they say EVER AGAIN?
You’re going to surrender your liberties to these “benevolent” overlords again?
Or are you going to fight tooth and nail to make sure no one else, ever AGAIN has the power to do this to a single nation, let alone the world?
I urge you very strongly to look at the members of the Junta and their helpers, and visualize the real people behind the masks. Visualize people who destroy a country and the world for the sake of more power over everyone, and to keep their misdeeds from coming out.
I URGE you to contemplate that they’d rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.
And then, if you ever again believe any of the media-ginned-up hysterias without checking facts or using your brain, be aware that next time the “I told you so” will have teeth.
So stay strong my friends.
And make sure you maintain your toilet paper supply. There will be further battles with the evil empire and once again toilet paper will be worth it’s weight in gold.
An individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” ― J. Edgar Hoover
That may have been true at one time J. Edgar, but not so much anymore.