Meanwhile, somewhere on Chouteau Avenue in South St. Louis…
You can apparently still get donuts for a nickel each but brains will set you back two bits.
Even Homer Simpson can do that math.
That questionable nutritional choice however might explain Homer’s brain development – or lack there of.
And it might partially explain old “You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, I’m not joking,” Joe.
Which in turn could partially explain the brain currently playing a U.S. President on the world stage:
“I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.” – Joe Biden
Joe Biden: he’s probably smarter than you. And that’s why he’s in charge.
Only a really Big Brain could manage to close Afghanistan’s borders so abandoned Americans can’t get out while opening the U.S. border so illegals and other assorted terrorists can flood in.
**Truth in journalism disclosure: that brain sandwich in South St. Louis will now set you back $7.29, and escalating by the week. Thank you Big Brain President Joey! You are one dog-faced pony soldier.