“This is another cautionary tale about suppressing scientific debate. Now consider the other things we aren’t allowed to talk about.”
Well, imagine that, lockdown was a bad idea for kids – for more reasons than anyone can count, but starting with thwarting their immune systems:
“We may have stacked up some immunity debt in the system where children have not been mixing with friends, and so they may be more susceptible to some of the illnesses we traditionally see.”
“We are also aware that there is a harm that builds up from not being able to have social interaction that leads to the development of barrier immunity from exposure to other infection diseases.”
Which is precisely what happened in the US. this summer, although if you were tuned into MSM they would have you believe that it was the incredibly scary Delta variant causing all the ruckus.
The southeastern U.S. experienced this during a recent off-season spike in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Unfortunately, this spike coincided with the surge in the Delta variant, so the media and doctors on TV implied that the hospitalization of children was due to COVID-19. The CDC data on hospitalizations by age show COVID-19 was not the culprit. In the week of the surge, when the most children were in the hospital, the total on COVID-NET was 117.
This is what happens when science is treated as an institution rather than a rigorous process full of nuance and trade-offs.
So let me repeat:
This is another cautionary tale about suppressing scientific debate. Now consider the other things we aren’t allowed to talk about. Scientists who asserted there was a possibility that SARS-CoV-2 came from the Wuhan lab got censored. Now it looks like the most likely origin. Doctors promoting FDA-approved repurposed medications for outpatient COVID-19 treatment now have their licenses threatened. There is also censoring taking place in the ongoing debate about who should be receiving vaccines.
Indeed, when you allow “science” to operate with “close enough for government” standards rather than actual scientific rigor you end up with bad decisions based on cherry-picked data hand fed to a bunch of government functionaries sans experience who have been given the authority to dictate how we must live – or more to the point, curtail – our lives.