I take it the Meghan/Harry/Oprah grievance session was aired last night. No, I didn’t watch it, who in their right mind would? I am certain that the Queen of celebrity interviews arranged a marvelously orchestrated session with her ex-royal subjects.

Oprah, I remind you, was invited to the H&M wedding even though she’d never met either of them at the time. That, my friend, is what’s known as long range strategic planning.
Anyway last night’s airing of Oprah’s interview with the world’s most infamous ex-royals was, I’m sure, a big draw. Who could resist this cute-ish couple?

I know this is hard to hear and even harder to believe, but Meghan’s main complaint with the Royals appears to be…RACISM!
She made the incendiary and implausible charge that when she was pregnant with Archie, the royal family decreed that her unborn son would be denied the title of “prince” because her mixed race meant he might have dark skin.
Meghan swiftly moved on, claiming that there was a serious discussion inside the royal family about how black her baby might be and the decision to refuse the child any security — zero, zip, nada, Meghan again implying the royals wouldn’t mind harm coming to a royal infant who wouldn’t be 100% white. - NYPost
Such cruelty nearly drove her to SUICIDE!
She told Harry about the ordeal because "I knew that if I didn't say it, that I would do it -- and I just didn't want to be alive anymore," Meghan said. She revealed her thoughts to her husband as they sat on the steps of their cottage. Hours later, the pair had to attend an event in London. "I can't be left alone," she remembered telling Harry, after he suggested she stay home. – CNN
Wow, quite the bombshell interview,
It was the interview that some within Buckingham Palace must have feared -- but Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex's discussion with Oprah Winfrey was more revealing, explosive and potentially damaging to the royal family than many could have imagined.
Allegations of racism within the family itself, and Meghan's admission that she felt suicidal during her pregnancy, have been splashed across newspapers in the United Kingdom.
Throughout their two-hour TV special, both Harry and Meghan spoke with eye-opening candor, delivering accusations and rebukes that outweighed even Princess Diana's landmark interview more than two decades earlier.
Or as the NYPost more accurately described it, “bull.”
For Harry’s two bits, he just wants to school his royal family (that’s “school” not “screw” in case you’re just scanning) on how hard it was for him:
He also hinted that he attempted to reveal to his family the constraints of royal life that he had discovered. "I've tried to educate them," he said.
As for ex-Duchess Meghan, she says speaking for herself is 'liberating.' She certainly chose a strange career for someone who wanted to speak for herself, as actors seldom do.
One last thing, just to set the record straight: it was Kate who made Meghan cry, not the other way around.
Poor little misunderstood Meghan
If you’re into celebrity dirt and Royal tell-alls the Oprah hour would have been must see TV. I’m glad I missed it, just reading about it is tedious.
Asked how Buckingham Palace would react to “hearing you speak your truth today**?” Meghan is smugly triumphant.
“I don’t know how they could expect that after all of this time we would still just be silent if there was an active role that ‘the Firm’ is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us.”
To which Harry chimed in with:
“My biggest concern was history repeating itself,” Harry says, holding hands with Meghan as she gazes adoringly at him, clad in a $4,700 black Armani dress and patting her pregnant belly.
“I’m just really relieved and happy to be sitting here talking to you with my wife by my side because I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like for (Diana) going through this process by herself all those years ago.”
No wonder some wags are calling the Oprah interview “Diana’s Revenge.”

**Note: “speaking your truth” in today’s parlance translates to “lie”