Monday, March 14, 2022

An All-Sports Mutt Day

Sick of the news? How about some sports?

The NCAA just announced the March Madness brackets: it seems to me everyone’s still in it, no wonder it takes forever to declare a winner.

air-bud.2jpgHe sits. He stays. He shoots. He scores!

To bad we don’t have ESPN’s coverage of Barack’s bracket picking to look forward to anymore. That was always newsworthy back when being President was fun.


But I’m pretty sure we discontinued the Presidential Brackets “tradition” once Trump was president.

In other sports news: the major league baseball lockout is over! Yeah, I know: I didn’t know there was one either. But it’s over so let’s Play Ball!

golden-retriever-fetches-baseball-batIt feels great to get back in the batter’s box

And how about football? I see Tom Brady changed his mind about retirement, he’s returning to the Tampa Bay Bucs for the ‘22 season. He’s only been retired for 41 days – during the offseason no less. I really don’t think he gave it a fair shot.

Sadly, I’m no more interested in sports than I am the news but it is less upsetting. And it is Mutt Day!

dog-footballYeah Bud, I think it’s underinflated too, but be careful of what you complain about, they might overinflate it and then what will you have to chew on?


biden clown show

Inflation: it’s a state of mind