First of all, thank you, everybody, for yet another stunning floral arrangement which arrived to brighten our weekend. It arrived Friday and is still standing tall

with dahlias, peonies, alliums, hydrangeas and lovely pink snaps.

As you see, as lovely as all the others have been. I’ve finally collected all the MOTI flower arrangements into a folder of photos – they go way, way back to the first gorgeous bouquet we received when it was Raj having so many problems with his first knee replacement and continued through his second and then…well, everything else.
I’ve got documented Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter etc., etc. arrangements - each as lovely as the rest – that have made us feel your love and helped us over the humps. You’ll never know how your prayers, cards, flowers, gifts and many, many thoughtfulness's have helped pull us through it all.
But now dear friends, you’ve done more than enough. Both Raj and I will be so very happy to receive just your prayers, positive vibes, good wishes and thoughts from now on. You’ve all done too, too much. I’ll pull up the archived photos from time to time simply because they are too beautiful and deserve to be reposted. But for now we shall be focused on preparing for and recovering from surgery and remembering all the kindnesses you have already bestowed on us.
Next week I’ll pre-post a couple weeks worth of open threads. One should pop up every few days and Raj will let you know if there is anything significant to report.
So Happy Father’s Day to everybody who is or has a father. Enjoy the return of the Summer Solstice next week, behave yourselves to the extent that even means anything in this crazy place we still insist on calling “our country” and I’ll talk to one and all on the other side of recovery.
He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11
Thank you, all my little angels.