Friday, September 13, 2024

A Friday Lament

Summer continues to trickle out.

green river bank

Late summer fruits begin to trickle in.

pears - Copy

Another season approaches and as usual we are not quite prepared.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala’s Kampaigne

Reason number 48 why Kamala has to distance herself from the administration where she’s been #2 for 3 3/4 years:

built back better m_thumb

Building clean power for all your energy needs.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kamala and Her Emotional Support Dog

Kamala has more in common with Hillary than that annoying cackle and a closet full of multi-colored pant suits.


El Rushbo was the first to point out that the less Hillary talks the more people seem to like her. I’m sure he would agree that the same is true of Kamala and that’s one of the reasons she’s laying low.

Never the less she and her emotional support dog will be on CNN pretending to be interviewed tonight. I suggest you skip it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happy Wingsday

Things to do with old typewriters:

typewritter bird

Imagination is a wonderous thing. Except in the hands of Democrats, where it’s just lies.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



This sums up my week. Totally.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

News From Lake Wobegon

lake wobegon2

Where all the women used to be strong, all the men used to be good looking and all of the children are still above average

I've had another brain MRI after much drama with the "tumor board" who couldn't agree on whether a spot  in my brain was another cancer or the result of radiation necrology, aka "treatment damage." My neurosurgeon had the final word and has determined that it is ongoing radiation damage which is sort of like scar tissue of the brain. So for the time being that is very good news indeed, thank the Lord.

The bad news is that anything pressing on the brain causes damage similar to what a stroke might do. In my case the tumor was in the control center and has caused problems with walking, balance and coordination but given the sensitive location it could have been much worse. However, that and the fatigue I can’t shake along with a loss of weight and muscle mass has left me looking like a skeletor and rather useless at everything. All I can say is thank God for Raj. Anyway, I’m working on it slowly. I certainly don’t want to sit this election out even if I am only on the sidelines.

So thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, they are working and my gratitude is endless.


By the way, I’ve determined that all Democrats and Kamala in particular suffer greatly form the Lake Wobegon Effect.

lake wobegon

Monday, July 29, 2024

Texans Disproportionately Impacted

A lot of us are headed into a heat wave this week.

Texans will be disproportionately affected. Especially Texan women and minorities.

hot as a jalapeno

So let’s be careful out there, people.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Fun Never Stops

biden - Copy

The King is dead. Long live the Queen.

Let’s just hope Michelle Obama isn’t the Queen.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

God Bless President Trump

Reposted, as there is nothing else to say:

trump statement

May God have mercy on our souls.

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Return of the Fireflies

The fireflies began to show up a few days before the Forth.


  They gather in packs now to welcome the magical season of high summer. Their appearance, unfortunately, now coincides with my bed time so they pretty much dance alone these summer nights. Not a problem as they don’t seem to miss me.

Still no show of the cicadas. I guess the brood is skipping Michigan.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

How Does It Come To This?


destroy america

How did we reach the point where a corrupt, incompetent imbecile suffering from dementia was selected to represent half the country in an embarrassing national “debate?” It’s truly hard to process how completely we’ve been destroyed from within. May God help us.


bobby pin talk how are you today

My brain MRI revealed an abnormality that the “tumor board” couldn’t reach a consensus on.  It is either a metastasis  or a radiation necrosis but either way symptoms grow more troublesome and will need to be addressed somehow. So we wait 6 weeks for yet another MRI and will reevaluate at that time. Doing my best to remain positive. Please keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stop Complaining About The Heat

This is a bit late, but in honor of last week’s summer solstice.



Hard to believe we’re already on the downside of 2024, even more reason to enjoy summer to its fullest.

Winter will arrive soon enough.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

But Trees Got In The Way…

brian andreas story peopleBrian Andreas, Story People

There are worse places to get caught.

Happy Father’s Day to all.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blooms Of Summer

Yesterday was a gray, drizzly day and my spirits were in need of a serious pick-me-up. Right on cue an unbelievably beautiful arrangement of joyous blooms arrived on my doorstep from the MOTI! I cannot tell you how much they cheered me up. 


The bouquet is filled with impossibly large pink roses, burgundy hyacinths and crimson peonies the likes of which I’ve never seen.


And now, I owe you all a brief health update: after 6 months of iron supplements my hemoglobin has finally  crept into the lowest level of normal. Unfortunately my energy level remains below zero. I seem to be suffering from cancer-related fatigue (CRF – it has its own acronym!). It’s quite common with cancer patients and beyond the disease process itself and the treatments there’s really no  known cause and therefore no specific treatment. It is incapacitating in that it is marked by paralyzing tiredness that no amount of sleep or rest alleviates. I literally can’t do anything and haven’t been able to for months now. Just getting out of bed or taking a shower wipes me out for the rest of the day. Raj has been doing everything – cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry – without complaint. I am very lucky and grateful but can’t help but feel burdensome and guilty.

So life remains a challenge. The balance and coordination problems are ongoing and my hiatal hernia has introduced some new eating issures beyond not having an appetite. I do force myself to take short walks on nice days with my walker (and my “other walker,” Raj)  but the extreme lack of energy makes any real exercise impossible so my muscles have atrophied and skin hangs from my limbs where they once resided. While strength would help both energy and balance issues, it’s a catch-22 for now. Perhaps if I can get my hemoglobin to inch up towards a more normal level the fatigue will lesson.

Despite it all I feel blessed to be here and will do my level best to acclimate to the new normal while waiting for some energy to return.  Waiting is one thing that is quite difficult for people living on borrowed time but I guess it’s God’s way of teaching patience to those of us who has never adequately mastered its nuances.

I’m due to begin a new round of scans/MRI over the next 2 weeks so as always your ongoing prayers for another good showing would be humbly appreciated.

And again, my a heartfelt thank you for the gorgeous floral arrangement that has brightened my weekend and reminded me of just how thoughtful and loving this wonderful community of souls is.  And thank you Roto, for arranging this super mood lifting surprise. You’re the best.


May you all enjoy the very best weekend.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Don’t Eat The Bees

Just in time for the stingy season:

bees and wasps

You might also know the Dirt Dauber as a Sewing Bug.

And because it’s Mutt Day, please remind your dog not to eat the bees.

dogs bee stings

That is all.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." —Winston Churchill

As we do on this day each year, we pause to remember the men and women who died fighting for our freedom.

We stand by humbly, gratefully, silently, to honor their sacrifice.


By all means, enjoy your picnics, parades and celebrations today – it is a holiday after all. But do pause to remember and honor all the brave men and women across the centuries who have sacrificed their lives in the fight against tyrants, tyrannies and terrorists. The enemies of freedom will always be amongst us and will always be a threat to liberty. God willing, America will always be there to vanquish freedom’s adversaries. 

Wishing all a tranquil, thoughtful and reflective Memorial Day this year.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

G‘morning Glories

G‘morning Glories…

cosmos in the wind flowerWell, Cosmos actually, but you get the idea.

May this week brings comfort to those who are suffering, peace to those who don’t have it and grace to all of us who need it.

Carry on troops, it’s all we can do.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Happy Wings Day

One thing is not like the others…

birds black and gold

Please discuss.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Just A Couple Of Conservative Thinkers The World Misses


chatham_twilight_800Russel Chatham Twilight

“Being democratic is not enough, a majority cannot turn what is wrong into right. In order to be considered truly free, countries must also have a deep love of liberty, and an abiding respect for the rule of law.” Margaret Thatcher

“Democracy can itself be as tyrannical as a dictatorship, since it is the extent, not the source, of government power that impinges on freedom.” William F Buckley

And of course:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Rather frightening: that generation may have already been born. I pray otherwise.

Monday, April 22, 2024

More White Colonial Oppression

Our topic this week is cannibalism.


After all, if you can normalize pedophilia why not cannibalism? All you need is one good argument to rationalize it.


Thank goodness we’re no longer constrained by old school notions like morality.

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Throwback Thursday Post A Few Days Early

WLS was a powerhouse station out of Chicago back when AM radio was your only option. It reached western Michigan as well as many other distant locations with brilliant clarity at night when even local stations were hard to tune in.

I can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday but I do remember 98% of these Top 40 songs from a random summer 56 years ago.

top 40 1965

It is not lost on me that this says nothing about me other than I’m old. So be it; nostalgia isn’t for the young.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Here Comes The Sun

Finally, the 2024 eclipse will arrive today after much hype. We’re not in the path of totality but will experience a 99% event.


That 1%, local forecasters remind us, makes a huge difference and is literally the difference between night and day. Light cloud cover during the height of the eclipse is expected around here and may obscure the event anyway. I know many people around here will be contributing to the expected traffic jams headed towards totality – a one to two hour trip depending on where you’re headed, and hope they find clear skies and good viewing for this celestial event.

And now a brief health update. The good news is that the current round of MRIs and scans showed nothing new happening. The original brain tumor has left me with permanent balance and coordination problems so a walker is my constant companion. I’m hopeful further physical therapy can help in that department. I’m currently on a bit of a hold in that department as my anemia, which had climbed into the lowest range of normal, has slid back into a significant deficit and the fatigue is truly unimaginable. I’m currently beyond the sloth stage and well into the slug cycle. I find it’s nothing I can power through any longer. Poor Raj continues to be responsible for everything from meals to laundry and everything in between. So I’m back on daily iron supplementation (and all the attendant problems related to THAT).  I’m hoping to have enough energy soon to return to PT and develop some strength before something else goes amiss.

All things considered though I’m doing as well as possible and I thank God and all of your ceaseless prayers for that, a more devoted group of prayer warriors a person couldn’t possibly hope for. Despite it all my blessings are many and my sincerest thanks to all for that.

So let’s get out there…here comes the sun.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Happy Wings Day

The American Blue Footed Booby:

bloo footed booby bird

AKA “Let’s Go Brandon”

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter 2024

Repost from Easter 2023

And he said unto them, Be not amazed: you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: he is risen;

Where to Take Mesmerizing Bryce Canyon Photos - PhotoJeepers

He is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

Image result for images of the resurrection

And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. - Mark 16:6

‘I am the resurrection, and the life: He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.’

Canyonlands Island in the Sky: 19 Amazing Things to Do - PhotoJeepers

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? — John 11: 25-26

Christians around the world gather today on this most holy of Christian holidays to celebrate with joy the miracle of the Resurrection and the promise of eternal salvation. And to our Jewish friends celebrating the Exodus and Passover: Shalom aleichem.  For everyone else, enjoy this beautiful, joyful, hopeful spring day to rest, reflect and renew. The old world will pick up and continue on its way tomorrow as, God willing, we shall too.

May everyone enjoy this glorious day regardless of your religion, sugar tolerance or the weather. And please, enjoy your chocolate bunnies. Just beware of the trans-rabbits, I hear they bite back.

cripes-easter-bunnies5_thumb4This poor bunny is confused on so many levels. Sad.

With any luck he could become the face of Lindt’s white chocolate bunnies.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

An Illusion Of A Driving Economy



Combined with on-going anemia, poor sleep patterns leave me enervated. Will get new scans and such this week prior to oncologist appointment late next week. Will do an update after that. Thank you all for your generous and seemingly endless prayers, they are much appreciated.

Meanwhile, explaining the entire 21st century:

saul bellow illusion


Praying mantis on his fiddlehead bicycle Biden, driving the economy

Monday, March 18, 2024

Leave ‘em In The Car, Eh?



I’ve always had a soft spot for our neighbors to the south, so I was sad to hear that Toronto is experiencing a car theft epidemic. As the article points out, there are many things you can do to protect your car from theft, but Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi doesn’t think you should do anything to protect your car.

At an Etobicoke safety meeting attended by the constable, new advice was given to vehicle owners in the city: make it easier for thieves to access your keys. "To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else," said Ricciardi at the meeting.

Some Torontobites are not only taking that advise, but also taking extra precautions:

   20240304-car-theft-torontoFYI, the DEI Toronto Constabulary recommends the use of Mx. rather than Mr., Mrs. or Ms.

I think I I have a better way will keep car thieves out of your house and protect the the window glass; just leave the keys in the car. I am sure the Toronto Constabulary would approve.

I’ve even prepared, with the help of AI, a handy window sticker you can print, giving notice that you are on board with the new Constabulary guidelines. You could print two, one for your car and one for your front door.


final toronto clown police

Monday, March 11, 2024

Dr. Hedgeh(hog)


Dr. Hedgehog RM

Sedgewick the hedge hog was none too pleased either.

sedwidge the hedge hog

But let’s just give today to the dogs, as is our custom.

snoopy dog day afternoon

Monday, March 4, 2024

Remain Ungovernable

They don’t deserve to govern.

So remain ungovernable.

dog become ungovernable pb

And happy mutt day.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Google’s Gemini AI: “He’s As Bad As Hitler!”

No, not Trump, Elon Musk. Google's Gemini AI: "Wow, tough question. Too close to call." It’s enough to exhaust anyone.

hitler musk

Conflating Hitler with Elon Musk: Gemini AI has clearly been immersed in the American public school system’s total immersion indoctrination program.

As I said, exhausting.

sleepy p

Monday, February 19, 2024

I Hope…

easier or funnier

In the mean time, how about a pic that looks like a real-life Currier and Ives print.

true life currier and ivesWinter Peace

Here’s to funnier…

stray bar dogs collars

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Living In Evil Times Doing The Best We Can

biden and the light bulb

People have argued for years that it doesn’t make any difference who you vote for. Even putting the stolen election aside, the blithering, blathering – literally -  out of touch dementia patient in office proves the premise. Staffed by an army of mostly incompetent functionaries the business of government continues on. not missing a beat. So yes, I’m finally ready to concede that maybe it doesn’t make any difference. Ugg.

We truly do live in evil times.

evil time

So enjoy the Super Bowl if you’re so inclined; a respite from reality won’t hurt and might help.

I thank everyone for your prayers, my anemia is beginning to abate. My hemoglobin is climbing, although still below normal it’s going in the right direction. Feeling strong enough to start physical therapy again this week as balance/walking remains a concern. Last brain MRI questionable so follow up in March. The fight continues.

May you all have a blessed, peaceful week.