Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Better Than Mardi Gras

The President’s speech to the Joint Session of Congress was better than Marti Gras.

mArdi gras mask

Although there were just as many jesters and clowns in attendance.

Remember when Joe Wilson was censured for his emotional outburst “you lie” at Obama’s State of the Union address? Apparently that sort of shenanigans is no longer objectional to Dems as many of them behaved like spoiled children acting out. I haven’t seen such a display of pouting, silly antics and tantrums since a birthday party for pre-schoolers, although most of last night’s reprehensible behavior was carried out by Congressional octogenarians.

America is back, baby! And not a moment too soon. So laissez les bons temps rouler!

May all enjoy a peaceful Ash Wednesday as you prepare for Lent.
